Lions Club Update

President’s Message
It has been a long time since we met as a club and I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. When we sheltered-in place in March, if you were like me, you thought we would be back to some sense of normal by now. When I thought about my year as Visalia Host Lions Club President I never imagined a start to the year like this. But, it is what it is and as Lions we are resilient and it is time to get our club up and running again.
First, I want you to know that the Board has met three times in the since May and we are working to transition into the new year. When I say met, I mean we met online using the now famous Zoom meeting platform. In fact I attended the District Officers training last Saturday using the same format.
The recommendation was for every club to move meetings to an online platform until it is safe for us to meet in person. We are working to do just that. I know this won’t be easy but together we can make it happen. A little COVID isn’t going to stop the Visalia Host Lions!
Craig Wheaton
Murder Mystery Dinner
As you should know by now, we had to completely cancel the Murder Mystery Dinner. Lion Laurie and the committee is working on a letter for all those who bought tickets and all of our sponsors to let them know. You may have received an email about your ticket purchase. We hope that many will either donate the ticket/sponsorship to the club and/or roll it over to our event next year.
Golf Tournament
The Golf Tournament has also been canceled. Lion Melinda and committee is working on a similar letter of appeal to our regular sponsors to support us with a donation so that we can continue our valuable community work. If you were a tee sign sponsor we hope you will consider giving the club a donation in place of your sponsorship. I have pledged $100 myself.
Club Dues
Soon you will receive your invoice for this year’s club dues. The Board has discussed our budget/financial situation and we are going to adopt our current budge without any additional dues. However, since we are unable to raise money at club meetings with happy bucks and fines, if you wish to make an additional donation it would be greatly appreciated.
Historic Club Meeting – Friday, August 7th, 12 Noon
We will have our first all club meeting on Friday, August 7th at noon. This will be held on Zoom. Wait! Don’t panic! Don’t give up! You too can work this out and join us. I will set up an trial meeting on Thursday, August 6 at noon to help you through. I will be available by phone to walk you through the process. My number is 559-679-9996.
Here is the zoom link. If you have not used Zoom you will need to download some software the first time. Try it and see if it works for you
Zoom Link for Friday, August 7th Meeting:
Craig Wheaton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Visalia Host Lions Meeting
Time: Aug 7, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 981 2038 3042
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