ROAR Newsletter for December 10, 2021

The December 10th meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Karen McVaigh. Lion Bob Line performed the invocation and Dee Baughman led his fellow Lions in a patriotic song, God Bless America.
Iris Keever of Visalia Emergency Aid was presented with toys collected for needy children and a check from the Visalia Host Lions Club for $1000.
Lion Tony Loliva reminded club members that the Club’s Christmas Party would be held at 6:00 PM on December 17th at Quail Park Shannon Ranch.
Happy Bucks
Lion Pat Harrison was happy his son, daughter-in-law, and niece will be visiting and donated twenty happy bucks. He was also happy that a representative from Frank’s Appliances traveled to Woodlake to fix his icemaker.
Lion Roy Dressel was happy for recent rain and that Iris from Visalia Emergency Aid was at our meeting.
Iris was happy to be at the meeting.
BYU fan Dee Baughman fined USC fan Tom Gaebe.
Lion Karen McVaigh fined Pat Harrison for making the service man from Frank’s Appliances travel all the way to Woodlake while her refrigerator was in need of repair.
Iris Keever sold the rights to the No-fine badge to Lion Rick McVaigh for a donation of five dollars. She also won the five-dollar raffle for her organizaton.
Lion Bob Line won the Marble drawing and pocketed a whopping $169.
Iris Keever, development director for Visalia Emergency Aid, thanked Lions for their generous support. For the past 90 years, the organization has been helping low-income families relieve the stress of food insecurity.

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