ROAR Newsletter for December 21, 1018
2018 Christmas Party
ROAR Newsletter for December 7, 2018
ROAR Newsletter for November 30, 2018
Our meeting began with first vis president Lion Ruth, who was standing in for Lion President Karen. Lion Ruth called on Lion Pat Harison to lead us in song, Lion Craig to lead us in the flag salute and Lion Pete to Lead us in prayer. Lion Dee announced our Leo Club guests today that included club president Stephanie and advisor Erin along with two other members of the club.
Lion Melinda won the no fine badge.
At the start of our meeting, Lion Steve announced that former Lion Larry Kincade had passed away. Larry was a former club president who had moved to Texas about ten years ago.
Lion Lauri announced sign-ups for the 2019 Murder Mystery Dinner committee and passed around a sign-up sheet. If you are interested you can email her at Lauri also announced that taste test for the dinner had been done last week and we are in for wonderful eats at next years dinner.
Auction items
Lion Melinda auctioned off a Lion Key Ring she had purchased at a recent Lion King play she had attended. Lion Jeff Meter won it for $10.
Lion Melinda Auctions off a Lions key ring.
Happy Bucks
Lion Steve was happy that this year’s Candy Cane Lane parade went off well. As many of you know our club has been the group to help organize the parade entrants for many years now. Lining them up in the proper locations and getting them going down the street.
Lion Roy was also happy about how the Parade went this year.
Lion Ruth also added a happy buck for the Parade, as she said, she had a ball.
Lion Pete had $2 happy bucks because both Lion Melinda and Lion Steve both had kids in the parade.
Lion Melinda was happy her son Jeff got to drive his big Semi in the parade and was a big hit when he honked his horn.
Lion Jeff had five happy bucks because one of his daughters was in the parade twice. Went down with one group, walked back, joined another and went through the route again.
Lion Craig was happy that Sierra Summit was open for business on Saturday. The earliest opening in several years.
Lion Damon was happy that the Leo’s were at the meeting today and that it was the last day of November. For him, it was no shave November and he was more than ready to shave his beard off the next day.
Lion Pat noticed that Lion Damon’s beard had some gray in spots.
Lion John Parker was happy to be able to be a club today. His store, Feet for Life in the Visalia mall becomes very busy at this time of year and he did not expect to be at a meeting again before the first of the year.
Lion Vicki had five happy bucks. Her husband is doing great, the Leo’swere here today and for Peter, our speaker.
Lion Ruth fined Lion Dee for the remark he made at the start of the happy bucks about Ruth not being able to see over the podium to see his raised hand.
Lion Pat fined acting president Ruth because of her “violent” remark about “hitting” Dee. In her defense, she said was just using the word “hit” to call on Lion Dee.
Lion Dee fined Lion Bob Bricker for his Santa Clause Suspenders being his only visible means of support.
Lion Brad fined himself for not having his name badge, causing a few grones among other members.
Our secret greater today was non-other than your stand in ROAR editor Lion Roy. About seven of the members did not shake my hand.
$5 raffle went to Lion Craig who gave it to the Leo club.
Free Add went to Lion Vicki.
Loto tickets went to ROAR editor this week, Lion Roy and big surprise, I won zero dollars.
Marble drawing went to Lion Jeff Meter, who also won zero dollars.
Our program today was Peter Deluyker of Morgan Stanley. Peters talk today was about life in Belgium. Peter had lived in Belgium for about twenty years and talked about the countries high tax rates, free medical care, their Beer and chocolate and showed us some photos of the countryside and some of their Abbys. He even gave us a taste of some of their beers and chocolates.
In passing, Peter mentioned that he was a member of another service club here in town, with this tidbit of info, we were then able to provide him with a delayed greeting of our historic welcoming song that made him feel right at home.
Lion Vicki says Go Warriors
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