Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 8-23-23
Todays Meeting
Our small but very vibrant evening group meeting met at Mountain Mikes Pizza. The following Lions were in attendance: Lions Steve Gerrard, Melinda Blankenship, Elaine Dias, Mark Olsen, Aaron O’Dell, and Brad Board. We all enjoyed the pizza buffet and the time of fellowship around the tables.
The meeting was very casual, and here is the recap of the events.
The Murder Mystery Dinner (Sept. 16th) was discussed, and there needs to be some last-minute efforts to pull this together for the club. The following donations have been received to date.
We have the following sponsors.
Kaweah Health $1,000
Law Office of Peter Sherwood $1,000
Altura Healthcare $500
Tachi Palace 2,500
Central Valley Operator group/McDonalds $500
Club Visitations.
The annual Three Rivers dinner will be held on Thursday, sept. 7th at the Lions Arena in Three Rivers. If you plan on attending, please let Lion Steve Gerrard know no later than September 2nd, so he can confirm that number from our club attending.
There will be a visitation for the Sequoia Lions on September 5th at Marie Callenders. This is an evening meeting, and the start time is 5:30 p.m.
News You can Use:
Bob Bricker has been in rehab, following an accident. He hopes to be back to Quail Park at Shannon Ranch very soon.
There was a recommendation to shelve the idea of an evening meeting, since there were just six Lions in attendance. This will be discussed at the next Board meeting, which takes place on September 13th at Valhalla’s at 7:00 a.m.
Happy Bucks
Lion Melinda was $10.00 happy that she had an excellent trip to Iowa to see her family this past week. She got to see her extended family of thousands and had a wonderful family reunion, in the basement of the American Legion Hall. In typical Iowa hospitality, one of the family members created and built an indoor miniature golf course, in the basement of course. Her Great Aunt Lil turned 100 years old when Melinda was back there to celebrate too.
Line Mark was happy that he was leaving for Boise, ID to see his daughter and son-in-law, along with his wife and daughter. Mark is hopefully planning on returning from this trip.
Lion Aaron is traveling to Avila Beach for a few days of respite from the heat with fellow Lion Betty.
Lion Steve is happy and grateful to have a newly painted exterior of his home.
Lion Elaine was happy that we had rain.
Lion Elaine fined herself since she was late to the meeting. Lion Tom Link, where are you when we need you?
Other topics of interest
We didn’t have a speaker, so Lion Brad shared with the group about the current state of insurance in CA. It was such a heartwarming topic, that Lion Brad has a new moniker “The Shredder of Happiness”.
There was no drawing for the $5.00 drawing, nor the free ad or the lottery tickets. The marble drawing was one by Lion Aaron and he fell short of the goal of the white marble. Maybe next time, Lion Aaron.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
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