Visalia Host Lion Roar Newsletter 7-26-24

Visalia Host Lion Roar Newsletter 7-26-24

Visalia Host Lions meeting for 7-26-24

Todays Meeting

Our president, Lion Melinda, led today’s meeting, calling on Lion Bob Line to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Dee to lead us in singing god Bless America, and Lion Pete to do the invocation. Lion Mark, standing in for Lion Allen, introduced our two guests today: Lion Colin’s sister Erin, who was visiting from San Francisco, and Louie, a former cutler-Orosi Lions founding member who was a guest of Craig, who was hoping to get him back into Lions.

No fine badge went to Lion Colin. 


Lion Melinda announced that she would be gone next week, and Lion Dee offered to fill in and lead the meeting in her absence. She will also be absent on August 23rd and needs someone to fill in on that date.

Lion Melinda also said she had not heard back from the City of Visalia about the missing plaque at the Lion Park on Ferguson Ave. She will contact them again this week.

Lion Dee announced that former member Kent Wooley has some serious health issues and is now in an assisted living home. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Lion Roy handed out cards with a QR code on them that will take prospective speakers to the online page where they can sign up to talk to the club.

Guest Erin

Colin’s sister Erin talked about the food as medicine nonprofit she works at in San Francisco.

Lion Betty

Lion Betty sporting her new hair style. 

Lion Craig

Lion Craig discusses his mountain bike accident and shows off his his new hair cut. 

Guest Louie

Lion Louie Roldan was a founding member of the Cutler-Orosi Lions club. 

Happy Bucks 

Lion Tony had a happy $20 because he and his wife Nancy had been to Colorado, where they had a celebration of life for Nancy’s dad. Part of that happy buck was because he did not bring anything back to auction off.

Lion John was happy to see Lions Leigh, Brad, and Craig at the meeting today.

Lion Craig was $20, happy to be back at a meeting after being gone for some time, and happy to be walking around after breaking a few ribs in a recent mountain bike accident.

Lion Pat had $5 happy bucks because his daughter had just finished her Wound nurse studies at the Cleveland Clinic.

Lion Leigh was $3 happy to be at the club today and to receive the $1000 check for Tulare County Special Olympics from the club. (Lion Leigh is the Tulare County area director for Special Olympics) He recently took twenty Tulare County Special Olympics athletes to Santa Clara for the annual summer games, where they had an eye screening booth set up. They not only screened the athletes but also had an optometrist on-site, and many of them went home with a new pair of glasses.

Lion Pat gave the club $50 because of what Lion Craig went through in his mountain bike accident.

Lion Pete was happy that he recently visited with his 93 year old parents in Oakland.

Lion Tony had a happy buck for those Lions that we had not seen in a while.

Lion Melinda was also happy to see those who had not been with us in a while.


Lion John fined Lion Tony for not having a happy buck for Nancy, Tony’s wife’s birthday.

Lion Pat tried to find Lion Colin before he realized that Colin had the no fine badge.

Lion Dee fined several Lions for not knowing the names of international and district officers.



The $5 drawing went to our guest, Lion Louie, who was persuaded to donate it to the Lions Eye Foundation. 

Lotto ticket: Lion Leigh. 

The marble drawing went to Lion Craig, who picked a nonwhite marble and won nothing but that nonwhite marble.


Lion Colin won the free add. 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Hoast Lions Roar Newsletter 7-19-24

Visalia Hoast Lions Roar Newsletter 7-19-24

Lion president Melinda leads our meeting today

Lion President Melinda leads our meeting today

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda led our meeting today, calling on Roar editor Lion Roy to lead us in saluting our flag, Lion Bob Line to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Dee to do the invocation.

No fine badge went to Lion Joh Parker.


Head greeter Lion Allen introduced an old friend, Lion Justin, who was with us one last time. In early August, he will be getting married in Los Vegas (at Taco Bell, no less) and, shortly later, moving to England to be with his new wife, Brooke, and their son, who is due in September. We wish him all the luck.



Lion Justin

Lion Justin tells the story of meeting his soon to be wife. 

Lion Karen draws for the white marble.

Lion Karen tries to find that elusive white marble, but fails. 

Lion Melinda leads the meeting

Lion Melinda leades her first meeting

Auction Items

Lion TomGaebe had to pay a little extra because he forgot to take home the set of Maracas that he had purchased at last week’s meeting, where Lion Steve auctioned them off. 

Happy Bucks 

Lion Aaron was happy to have watched some good pickleball matches this past week.

Lion Betty enjoyed watching the Republican Convention.

Lion Bob Line was happy that he had brought Lion Justin into the club.

Lion Allen was happy to see Justin and wished him well; he was also happy the American League won the All-Star Game.

Lion John was also happy to see Lion Justin and wished him well.

Lion Mark was another member who was happy to see Justin, wished him well, and told a story about a Water Park in Wisconsin that was definitely more for adults.

Lion Melinda, Pat, Roy, Betty, Aaron, Bob Line, and Dee were happy to see Justin.




Lion president Melinda fined herself for not selecting a secret greeter today. 


This week, the $5 drawing went to Lion Allen again, and he once again donated it to the Eye Foundation. 

Lotto ticket: Lion Tom Gaebe. 

The marble drawing went to Lion Karen, who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.


As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Have the prospective speaker scan the QR code to go right to the booking page. 

QR booking page
Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 7-12-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 7-12-24

Lion Steve drawing for the White marble.

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda led our meeting today and called on Lion Betty to lead us in the flag salute, Lion Dee to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Pete to do the invocation.

No fine badge went to Lion Tom Gaebe.

Lion Allen announced our guests today: the Lions Jay, Don, Joe, Gary, and Joe from the Porterville Lion Club.

Today’s secret greeter was your roar editor, Lion Roy, who called out Lions Dee and Elaine for not shaking his hand.


Lion Dee announced that Lion Pat was having some issues with arthritis and could not make it to today’s meeting. He asked that we all keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

Lion Tom Gaebe announced that this year’s band review would take place on Saturday, October 12th. Lion Melinda announced that we recently received a check for $1,500 for our help at last year’s band review.

Lion Melinda announced that she volunteered to be the Lions Zone chair for Zone 2. Although this is not our zone, they needed someone, and she stepped up.

Lion Melinda also announced the results of Wednesday’s board meeting: This year’s golf tournament has been canceled and moved to next year. Also, our monthly board meeting has been moved to the second Friday of the month and will not take place an hour before our regular meetings at Left of Center. The next board meeting will be at 11:00 AM on Friday, August 9th.

Lion Robert Lee had announced at the board meeting that the fireworks booth had sales of $23,000 this year. Thanks to Lions Melinda, Tony, Dee, Aaron, and Mark for helping with sales this year.


Lion Dee collects money

Lion Dee collects money, first day as the new tail twister. 

Lion Steve with Maracas

Lion Steve auctions of a set of Maracas

Lion John

Lion John has a few happy bucks. 

Auction Items

Lion Tom Link had been to the coast and brought back a jar of peach jam, which Lion Roy purchased for $10.

Lion Steve had a set of Maracas that former Lion Chris Baldwin had brought back from a recent vacation and given to him in exchange for Steve’s payment for his new air conditioner that Chris’s company had installed at his house. Lion Tom Gaebe purchased them for $11.

Happy Bucks 

Lion John was happy that no one was hurt in the recent incident he was involved in. He also had granddaughters come in to see him next week. He and his wife had spent a week at Shaver Lake, where his wife had caught a trophy trout. He also had a dollar because he didn’t have his badge.

Lion Tom Link had a happy buck for an 18-day trip to Europe, including Germany, the Netherlands, Rome, the Greek Islands, and Barcelona. Several of us wondered if he would take a note to the Pope when Lion Tom dropped in to see him. 

Lion Dee was happy to see the group from Porterville found their way to the big city of Visalia and visit with us today.

Lion Seve had some money from former Lion Chris Baldwin, $5 for the Dodgers, and another $10 for Steve, who got the new AC from him. 

Lion Tony was happy to see Lion Steve back at club and happy that the Porterville Lions were with us.

Lion Aaron was happy he had a nice conversation with his son this past week, and that professional pickleball player Anna Leigh Waters was playing so well.

Lion Melinda was happy to see Lion Steve back with us and wished Lion Tom Link a good trip to Europe.

The Porterville Lions were happy to be with us and happy that Lion Dee had installed their officers.

Lion Roy was happy to see Steve back and happy to see the group from Porterville with us today. He was especially happy that Lion Jay from Porterville was a fellow motorcyclest who had done two Iron Butt days on his bike, those are where you ride 1000 miles in 24 hours.


Lion Dee fined several for not knowing the District Govoners name, of course, come to find out, Lion Dee didn’t even know it.



The $5 drawing went to Lion Allen, who donated it to the Lions Eye Foundation.

Lotto ticket: went to one of the Porterville Lions.

The marble drawing went to Lion Steve, who picked another color of marble and not the white one.


Lion Tom Link won this weeks free add. 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 6-21-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 6-21-24

June 21 meeting of Visalia Host Lions club

Visalia City Manager Leslie Caviglia talks to our club today.

Visalia City Manager Leslie Caviglia talks to our club today.

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda led our meeting today and called on Lion Roy to lead us in saluting our flag, Lion Dee to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Bob Line to do the invocation.

For the second week in a row, the no-fine badge went to Lion Karen.


The installation dinner will be this Thursday, June 27th, at the Vintage Press. Happy hour is at 6:00, and Dinner is at 7:00.

Note: There will be no meeting this Friday because of the installation dinner.

Lions Melinda, Allen and Dee were at the Sequoia Lions visitation last Tuesday.

Lion Tony read the slate of incloing officers for the third and final time. (see the list at the bottom of this page)

Auction Items 

Lion Roy had been on a road trip to Kansas City and had two bottles of BBQ sauce, one went to Lion Dee for $5 and the other to Lion Karen for $7.

Melinda leading the meeting.

Lion President Melinda takes in the meeting from the lecturn. 

Leslie Caviglia

Visalia city Manager Leslie Caviglia 

Visalia city Manager Leslie Caviglia 

Lion Colin and daughter Zoe

Lion Colin and his daughter Zoe

Happy Bucks 

Lion Tom Link had $5 today, one as a fine for being late and a couple for his golf game in the morning, where he had a couple of pars. Plus, he was headed to Moro Bay for the week to get out of the coming heat wave.

Lion Pat was $5 happy because his daughter was headed for more advanced wound care classes.

Lion Dee had a sad buck because of the death of Willie Mays, one of baseball’s greatest players, this past week.

Lion Aaron was happy that his son had come to visit last week.

Lion Brad also expressed his sadness at Willie Mays’s passing. He told a story about how his son met him years ago and how gracious Willie was.

Lion Dee also had a happy buck because Lion Tom Link had paid for his lunch on his birthday, but he noted that Lion Tom almost broke his arm, getting his wallet out of his pocket.

Lion Allen also felt sad about the passing of Willie Mays, Allen’s grandfather’s favorite player.

Lion Karen was happy that her son was going to stay on at his job at AT&T, even though they were cutting staff.

Lion Bob Line was happy that his place of residence, Quail Park at Shannon Ranch, had a Hawian-themed event, and he got to dance with one of the Hula Dancers.

Lion Roy had a few happy bucks after a road trip to Kansas City; he also had a sad buck for the passing of Willie Mays. 



Lion president Melinda fined Lions Pat, Elaine and Tony for not showunbg up at the Sequoia Lions Visitation last Tusday after they had signed up to be there.

Lion Karen fined our Greeter, Lion Allen for not introducing Colins Daughter Zoe.

Lion Allen fined Lion Dee for not being able to parlel park outside the meeting hall. After several trys he gave up and parked somwhere else.

Lion Pat was happy that Lion Dee knew when to give it up and move on.


The $5 drawing went to Lion John who donated it to the Leo Club.

Lotto ticket: Lion Bob Line.

The marble drawing went to Lion Dee, who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.

2024-2024 officers and directors

President: Lion Melinda Blankinship.

1st Vs. President: Lion Robert Lee.

Imidiate past president: Lion Tonly Loliva.

Secretary: Lion Steve Gerard.

Treasurer: Lion Karen McVaigh/Lion Iris Feaver.

Two-year directors: Lion Colin Franey and Lion Allen Benoy.

One-year directors: Lion Roy Dressel and Lion Betty Odell.

Past president directors: Lion Aaron Odell and Lion Mark Olson.

Head greeter: Lion Allen Ventling.

Head Lion Tamler: Lion Pat Harrison.

Head Tail Twister: Lion Dee Baughman.

Willy Mays

Lion Roy won the free add.

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 5-24-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 5-24-24

Anna Hernandez of Catholic Charities talking to our club.

 Anna Hernandez from Catholic Charities talks to the club today about how many people they have helped from last years floods. 

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda was once again at the helm and called on Lion John to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Pat to lead us in singing My Country Tis Is Thee, and Lion Pete to do the invocation.

Lion Allen announced our guests today: Lions Robert and Billy from the Sequoia Club joined us, along with Lions Joe and Adiel from the Ivonhoe Club. Anna Hernandez, from Catholic Charities, was with us today as our speaker.

The No Fine badge went to Adiel from Ivanhoe today.


Tuesday, June 4th, 12:00 PM: Visitation with Sequoia Lions Club, Amegos Restaurant, 5113 W. Walnut Ave, corner of Walnut and Akers. 

Lions Park: The sign at Lions Park, located at 6500 W. Ferguson, needs some restoration work. The lion’s seal is gone, and it needs repainting. Lion Melinda will inquire with the city on how to proceed. 

Past presidents meeting: Lion Tony has set this year’s past presidents meeting for Wednesday, June 5th, at Mountain Mikes Pizza, 3103 South Mooney Blvd. The meeting will start at 5:30 p.m. and will discuss our officer lineup for the 24-25-year term.

Club merger meeting: The second meeting with the Sequoia Lions Club took place on Wednesday, the 22, and more progress was made regarding how the process will work. Club funds will be merged, and that process with the state of California, since our club is a 501C three corp, will take some time. The expected merger should take place sometime in the early fall. Both clubs will set a slate of officers now, as the new year will begin July 1st, and we’ll divi up the roles once the merger takes place. Meeting days and places have not yet been formalized, but we will meet weekly as our club does now.  The Sequoia club meets twice a month at Amego’s.

Lion Robert from Sequoia Lions noted that one of their club’s big fundraisers, a firework booth, is coming up soon and asked for help from our club. A sign-up will go around next week.

Up date on Lion Steve: He is doing better and hopes to be back at our meeting next week. 

Lion Mark has a happy buck

Lion Mark has a happy buck

Lion Elaine waiting to collect money.

Lion Elaine looks for happy bucks and fines. 

Lion Brad happy to be back after his trip to Washington state.

Lion Brad happy to be back after his trip to Washington state.

Happy Bucks 

Lion Bob Line was happy that he was unharmed after he faceplanted crossing the street on his way to our meeting.

Lion Dee was happy his granddaughter had been promoted to High School this week.

Lion John was happy that he was going to the Firestone-Walker Brew Fest in Paso Robles at the end of this month.

Lion Pete was happy that we were joining forces with the Sequoia Club and that the SF Giants were almost back to the 500 mark.

Lion Billy from the Sequoia club was also happy that our two clubs would merge.

Lion Tom Link was happy to invite all of us to the cemetery on Monday to see the Avenue of Flags. He assured us we would not have to make this a long-term stay, and also, there would be no cover charge.

Lion Mark was happy that Lion Bob Line was OK and that no harm came to him from his fall. He was also happy that the Dodgers were doing so well this year.

Lion Pat is also glad Lion Bob is OK.

Lion Betty was happy to see all our guests here today.

Lion Melinda was also happy to see the folks from Sequoia and Ivanhoe clubs today.

Lion Brad was happy to see that Lion Bob was okay, and he invited Bob to come to the Brad Board School of Falling, as Lion Brad had much experience.

Lion Roy was happy he was headed, along with his wife Javonna, on an 18-day road trip to Kansas City, Missouri, for a volume photograph seminar. They take ten days to get there, and while there, they will take in a Royals/Yankees Game.



Lion Melinda fined Lions Tom Link and Elaine for being late. Though Tom claimed that he had already paid his money when the bell rang, he paid the fine anyway.

Lion Betty fined Lion Allen because Allen had mixed up our speakers name in introducing her.

2024 Scholership winners. 

Golden West Scholarship student.  Valeria Gutierrez- Aguirre

Lion Tony presents one of  the Lions scholarship winner, Valeria Gutierrez- Aguirre from Golden West High School.  Lindamarie Herrera from Redwood High School also was a receptent. 


The $5 drawing went to Lion Allen who donated it to the eye foundation.

Lotto ticket: Lion Betty.

The marble drawing went to Lion Dee, his attempt to find the white marble came up short.

washington huskies

Lion Pete says Gretings from North Carolina, where he will be for the next month.

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy)