Roar Newsletter for Friday, March 26th, 2021
Today’s in-person meeting was held under the tent at Left of Center. Nice to see all of you, and hope this is will be a trend.
Lion Dee lead us in singing God Bless America. Our Flag salute was lead by Lion Betty and the Invocation by Lion Pete.
Lion Betty Wooley, who was our guest today along with her Husband Lion Kent, Lion Christy Kroell (more about Kristy later), and her husband, past district governor Lion Al Kroell, announced a clean-up at Bear Skin Meadows will be this Memorial Day. And yes, it is planned to be an in-person clean-up, not a virtual clean-up. (that would be great if we could get that thing working)
Lion Steve won the covited No Fine Badge and used it to great effect later in the meeting.
Auction items.
Lion Craig auctioned off an SF Giants mask that was purchased for just $6.00 by Lion Pete.
Speaking of masks, Lion Bob Line won a free Lions mask in the drawing.
Our Tail Twister and all-around nice gal, Lion Vickie won the Lotto tickets and also the Marble Drawing, but it was for not as she drew a nonwhite marble. No know fact about the Lotto.
Lion Karen, our trusty treasurer won the $5 drawing and gave it to the Lions Eye foundation.
Happy Bucks:
Lion Pete was happy that youth baseball has started up again and that his grandson what not only the lead off hitter for his team, but also the pitcher.
Lion Tom Link was happy that his barber was still alive and able to give him a haircut: did you hear that President Craig.
Lion Pat was $10 happy because a lot of work was completed around his house.
Lion Vickie was happy here husband was doing great and was out of the house.
Lion Karen was happy that Lion Roy was doing the Roar, and that all the guests were hear today.
Lion Roy, your Roar editor this week, had three happy bucks; one for being able to ride his motorcycle to work all week, one for the weather warming up, and another for getting, along with his wife, their second COVID shot the previous week.
Lion Steve was happy his son was the coach of a Cal Ripken baseball team.
Lion President Craig was happy that there were so many people at the meeting.
Lion Karen fined Lion Steve for being in a very serious mood when she arrived at the meeting today, he was not his usual jovial self. But it was Karen’s turn to be in a bad mood because she had forgotten that Lion Steve had won the no fine badge earlier in the meeting.
Lion Bob Line fined his son-in-law, Lion Pete because Bob was “forced” to wait a whole five minutes to see him in his office about some “important” legal matters last week.
Lion Vickie fined all of those who had made those “short” jokes all through the meeting. Your editor learned over the last weekend that over $150 was raised by that one fine alone.
Our program today was Lion Christy Kroell. Christy is running for our Lions District 4A2 Governor position for this coming year. Her handout had a long list of her accomplishments and time spent working in and for the Lions club and community. She asked for our support.
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