The Roar Newsletter 6-6-14

Lion President Carol lead the meeting today, her last meeting as president (she will be gone for the last two meeting this month). She had Lion Dee lead us in singing  my country tis of thee.  Lion Glen Mar  lead us in saluting the flag and began by  commemorating  the 70th anniversary of D day (June 6, 1945)  before leading us in saluting the flag and Lion  Lion George lead us in prayer, also mentioning all those who fought in WWII for us.

The no fine badge was won by Lion Tom Link.

Lion President Carol asked Lion Vicki if she had the no fine badge, “not for him I don’t” she replied.


This years installation dinner will be at vintage press starting at 6:00 on Friday the 13th. Cost is $25 and you can pay at the door.  (Please note that there will not be a regular lunch meeting on that Friday.

June birthdays for the club are Lion  Dee Baughman, Lion Glen Marr, Lion Pete Sherwood and Lion Paul Olson. Lion Bob Line lead us in singing happy birthday to all.

Lion President Carol alerted us to an article in the Lions magazine, a club in New England also does eye screening. The story was about the fact that they  found cancer in a little girls eye and because of that they very well saved her life.. Thanked lion Allen, if it wasn’t for him we would not be doping the eye screenings.

Band review, got our check for $4285.00.  Yeah.. Thanks to lion Tom Gabor,

Buddy Gillespie  has resigned from the club because of health issues.  A card was sent saying that we miss him but we understand.

Allen announced that the  golf tournament committee meeting at BMi on Thursday at 5:30 prices for players  will be the same as last year. If you can donate just one raffle gift that would make the tournament a success. .

Lion Melinda said our Host Lions shirts are on order, so if you ordered one pay Melinda when you see her.

Happy Bucks


Lion Dee was happy because he had a  fun trip to Oregon with his 3 year old granddaughter. But, his wife got a speeding ticket.

Lion Chris was happy his daughter graduated 8 grade. Most of us knew that this was the first child Chris had going into high school and that happiness would be short lived.

Lion Ruth was happy because it was Friday and that the election over, and she had a happy buck in recognition of her dad who was in Normandy.

Lion Daryl had a sad buck because he had to replace the  transmission in his truck, but they had a thousand dollar rebate on it so that made it a little easier to take.

Lion Bob was $20 happy. Tomorrow would have been his 67 wedding anniversary, he was happy that he had the  61 years with his late wife Mary.

Lion Janet was happy she worked at Oak Grove school because her  youngest granddaughter goes there, and she had fun having  a water balloon fight at the school.

Lion Craig is happy that graduation week is almost over and for Lion Chris because he doesn’t know what he is in for.

Lion George was happy that Lion Craig bought his hat back last week.

Lion Ed is happy that today is the last day of school because he can can, for the next couple of months, get into and out of his neighborhood.

Lion Pete was happy for Tim Ward won the DAs race and  last Friday he was at the Giants game at St. Louis.

Lion Sid was happy his niece graduated from high school  and got a scholarship to BYU.

Lion Tom Link was happy because he only gave out diplomas at 4 graduations.

Lion President Carol had happy bucks because it’s Friday, election is over, and last day as being president of the club. Plus, she is Going to Chicago with Jeannie.

Lion Howard, happy buck for the great job Lion President Carol did during the last year.

Lion Karen was happy because  last weekend Lion Rick (Karen’s husband and our newest member) and her went hiking at Crescent Meadow in Sequoia National Park  and saw a bear.

(she was happy the Bear did not follow them back down the trail)



Lion John Parker fined  Lion Dee for last weekends program. Lion  Dee was not at the meeting, even though he told everyone he would be.

Lion Dee fined the table where Lion Tom Link is sitting so that we can get money, with  Lion Tom got the no fine badge,  the club was not going to see the income that it usually does.  Lion Bob Line replied  “aren’t we punished enough just sitting at the table with him” .

Lion George fined Lion Ed for last weeks disparaging remark about lion George’s driving.


$5 raffle. Lion Chris..donated to Lions Eye

Lotto tickets: Lion Howard.

Marble. Lion George.



Cheryl Christman from Imagine U  Children’s Museum was our guest speaker today. . They  began in 2002 and have been growing ever since. They will begin begin construction on a new facility in a few weeks. With  over 14,000 visitors coming through the doors the last year they are in need to a new, larger building. Plans were show of what the new