Roar Newsletter for Friday, April 16, 2021
Lion Bob Line lead us in singing My Country Tis of Thee. Our own pastor, Lion George Fry did the invocation, and Lion Brett lead us in saluting our flag.
Guests: Our only guest today was Lester Moon, who was our program for the day.
Lion president Craig announced that at last Tuesdays’ board meeting, the decision was made to keep the next two board meetings (the last two of his term) on zoom.
Lion Craig also announced that we need to get a past president’s meeting together soon. The past president’s meeting is held to select Lion of the Year.
Our only guest today was our program, Lester Moon from Hands in The Community.
Lion Melinda reminded us that this year there will be a golf tournament at Valley Oaks on September 17th.
Upcoming programs
April 23: Our own Lion George fry will recount the adventure of his Last Flight.
April 30th: Alberto Ramos of CASA will be at our meeting.
May 7th: Adrian Leal, Principal of our adopted Huston School, will be here to give us an update on life in school or on Zoom.
Have a program idea for the club, have them contact Roy ( or call 559-289-2382) or Craig (
Lion Karen announced that since the beginning of our physical year, July 1st, 2020, the club gave $8,500 to charities.
Happy bucks:
Lion Betty was happy because a north Texas pitcher, Hope Trautwein became the first NCAA Division, 1 player, to throw a perfect game by striking out all 21 batters she faced. 21 Strikeouts how about that for a girl. Played against Arkansas Pine Bluff in a 3-0 Victory. Every out being a strikeout. Now that is an accomplishment.
Lion Bob Line was happy that his great-granddaughter was the best over gymnast at a recent competition, taking some credit for the lineage.
Lion George, next week’s program, was happy that one time a plane he was flying stalled, and after having to restart it four times he was able to land it safely.
Lion Pat was happy that Lion George was still what he refried to as a tail dragger.
Lion John was happy he went fishing.
Lion Dee was happy his four year old granddaughter was back in school four days a week.
Lion Melinda was $20 happy that she could be at the meeting with all of us today. The lions club is an extended family.
Lion Brett was happy that his son turned 4 and started playing T-Ball, and he had another happy buck because Wall Street had hit an all-time high.
Lion Allen was happy that his beloved Red Sox were on a nine-game winning streak and that he had won $10 last week with the Lotto tickets.
Lion Vickie was happy her husband was doing great and was out Trap Shooting and for our speaker today, Lester Moon.
Lion Betty was happy that Lion Vicki was going to be helping with Lions Aaron’s installation dinner.
Lion Tom was happy his daughter had finished her chemo treatment’s, and happy Lester was here also.
Lion George was happy, but I am not sure what for. We will just leave it at that.
Lion Brent fined Lion Bob Line for taking credit for his granddaughter’s achievement, suggesting that the linage in the family helped with her gymnastics.
Lion Vicki fined Lion George for spittle flying all over Lion Tom earlier when George had a happy buck.
Lion Tom was fined for being late again.
Secret Greater: Pat
Lion Tom fined Lion Pat for not remembering that Pat had not shook Tom’s hand.
$5 Lion Dee, gave to the Leo club.
Lotto Tickets: Lion Bob Bricker.
Our Program today was given by Lester Moon about three originations that he is in charge of and who help the community with projects like yard clean up, fence building, and various other projects. Ove 365 projects a year.
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