The Roar for Friday, March 22, 2019

Club President Karen McVaigh opened the meeting by asking Lion Bob Line to lead the Club in a patriotic song – Lion Bob responded with a rousing rendition of God Bless America. Lion Aaron Odell performed the invocation.
Lion Pete Sherwood won the “no-fine” badge for the meeting.
Greeter Melinda Blankenship introduced Matt Cunningham and Jeff Moyer from the new Quail Park retirement community at Shannon Ranch; and Photographer GiGi Crause, who has volunteered to help with and donate to our Murder Mystery Dinner.
Prospective Member Kim Jensen was also in attendance. Kim’s application for membership was approved at a special board meeting after the Club meeting.
Lion Allen Ventling reminded members that there will be a vision screening event on Sunday March 24th at the Tulare Family Health Care Network offices on West Street.
Lion Carol Jones shared that there will be a Pinwheel fundraiser for the Open Arms house.
Murder Mystery Dinner Chairperson Lauri Aguilar reported that 270 tickets have now been sold and that donations are pouring in. Raphael Jewelers donated a white gold sapphire necklace and Photographer GiGi Crouse donated a makeover and photoshoot. Lion Vicki Whitehouse donate a men’s and women’s gift from Coach Outlets.
President Karen shared that Lions Carol Jones, Melinda Blankenship, and Janet McClintock will be attending a Food Fair in Cambria.
Lion Leigh Mosconi auctioned off a box of Chocolate Turtles from his recent trip to Pismo Beach. Lion Melinda Blankenship snagged the chocolates for a donation of ten dollars.
Happy Bucks
Lion Brad Board was very happy with the efforts and progress of the Murder Mystery Dinner Committee. Committee Chair Lauri Aguilar donated five happy bucks and thanked the committee for their efforts. Lion Steve Gerrard shared that Lion Lauri had responded to a text about the dinner in 15 seconds.
Lion Leigh Mosconi has a new granddaughter who was born on pi day.
Lion Damon Yunt was happy to be back at Club and also happy baseball season is starting.
Red Sox fan Lion Allen Ventling is looking forward to see his team defend their title.
Lion Roy Dressel recently celebrated his eighth wedding anniversary.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse is happy her husband is doing well. She also shared that her daughter received two new job offers and she is impressed with the way Committee Chair Lion Lauri motivates her elders.
Lion Aaron had a great visit to USC with Houston School students.
Lion Bob Line shared that Lion Brad Board had saved him money on insurance.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse fined Lion Brad for saving Lion Bob money, which he reportedly has gobs of.
Lion Allen Ventling fined Lion Dee Baughman for suggesting that he needed the beauty makeover that GiGi Crouse is donating to the Club.
Lion Carol Jones fined Lion Karen McVaigh for not calling on her when she was the secret greeter.
GiGi Crause won the five dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Visalia Rescue Mission. Lion Leigh Mosconi won the free ad. Lion Carol Jones won the Lotto tickets.
Matt Cunningham and Jeff Moyer described the new 100 unit Quail Park retirement community at Shannon Ranch. The community features three restaurants, a pub, a state-of-the-art fitness center and has studio, one bedroom and two bedroom apartments.
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