ROAR Newsletter for March 20, 2015
ROAR Newsletter for March 13, 2015
ROAR Newsletter for March 6, 2015
Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for Friday 2-27-15
Lion president Jamil lead our meeting today and called on Lion Allen to do the pledge, Lion Pat to lead us in signing My Country Tis of Thee and Lion Pete to do the invocation
Eric Clark, food and beverage coordinator for the Visalia Rawhide came to our meeting as a guest and left and our newest member. He has been a cook with the rawhide for some time and this year has been promoted to the front office as manager.
Announcements :
Jamile. Made an announcement, regarding the recent Lions state convention held at the convention center. It appeared that the hundreds of lions that were in attendance were utterly impressed with the convention. We were told that the decorations were better than any international convention they had been to. Entertment was a lot of fun. It was one of the better conventions.
Lions Janet added that there were 700 registered attendees and we received a huge compliment from one of the higher ups that this convention was as close to forum he had ever seen.
The Breakfast Lions club hosted a hospitality time with local beer. This was a highlight to many.
Lions Carol announced that Visalia Emergency Aid has their annual Blues, Brews and Barbecue coming up and they need help. She suggested that this could be a good event for us to help out the community with.
Lion Jenie announced that the club has decided to scrap the Wild Hog Chili Run. We will take our sponsors and fold them into the golf tournament, which is coming up on August 28th.
Lion Melinda announced that she has information on the 2015 international Lions Convention in Hawaii at the end of June. Also, Lions shirts are for sale and she will take the orders. check out this link for International convention info.
Lion Vicki announced that in 2018 the Lions International convention will be in Vegas and she is already signed up.
Lion Pat had a paid commercial announcement about the Barbershop Group havering a show on April 28 th at Central Valley Christian school. See him or Dee for tickets.
Lion President Jamil announced that the Cutler-Orosi Lions club golf tournament will be this coming Saturday, March 7th at the Ridge Creek golf club. See him for info or check out the Cutler-orosi club on facebook. He added that he is horrible golfer, so you will feel better about your game if you play with him. .
Lion Howard, had a fabulous week at the coast, he had a secret gift, Melinda got it. It was a cork screw.
Happy bucks
Lion Howard great week at the coast and he announced that his brother doing well after an incident in January He thanked god he got his wife, as she is the last of her brothers and sisters, as they went to his wife’s brothers funeral last Friday.
Lion Janet was $3 happy for the great Lions convention last week.
Lion Pete was happy that his son in law, who lives in North Carolina, is now gainfully employed. .
Lion Walt was $5 happy, first thank to his wife Rebecca for securing the wonderful entertainment at the convention, and they raised over $4000 for charity with paintings.
Lion Allen was happy for alll the hospitality rooms at the convention.
Lion Eric Clark was happy his eight month old daughter took her first steps the night before. Several of us thought this could end up to be a sad buck over time. Once they get moving, they never stop.
Lion Melida had a happy buck for the wonderful job Jeanie did with the directions at the conventions. And the whole convention. So great.
Lion Carol was happy she, and others, stayed till midnight taking the decorations down and putting the breakfast ones up. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work, and like most, she was glad it’s over.
Lion Glen had a happy buck and another congrats for the convention. Thank to all who did the work for it.
Lion Vickie had a whopping $30 happy saw a great convention.
Lion Vicki fined Lion Walt because he didn’t bring anything back to auction off after his trip to Nappa.
Lion President Jamil fined himself for not telling Pedro that there was no meeting last Friday and he showed up at the club house wondering where we all were.
Secret greeter, Melinda. Daryl and Bill did not shake her hand.
$5: Lion Melinda won it and gave it to the eye foundation.
Free add, Lion Howard, Cambria shores inn.
Lotto tickets. Lion Tony.
Marble: Lion Pete, no win..
New chief of investigation at the DAs office. Lindi Gligorijevic was our guest speaker today. She spent many years in the Los Angeles Police Dept before moving to this area. She is the first female chief investigator in the state, and currently the only female investigator in the the DAs office.
Here office deals with all kinds of fraud, welfare, workers comp, real estate and auto Insurance fraud are all part of what the DAs office investigates. She told us that murder is mostly a crime of passion and happen in the moment, most don’t plan them out but fraud is the kind of crime people spend time thinking about and planning.
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