Todays Meeting
Lion President Melinda led our meeting today and called on Lion Betty to lead us in the flag salute, Lion Dee to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Pete to do the invocation.
No fine badge went to Lion Tom Gaebe.
Lion Allen announced our guests today: the Lions Jay, Don, Joe, Gary, and Joe from the Porterville Lion Club.
Today’s secret greeter was your roar editor, Lion Roy, who called out Lions Dee and Elaine for not shaking his hand.
Lion Dee announced that Lion Pat was having some issues with arthritis and could not make it to today’s meeting. He asked that we all keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
Lion Tom Gaebe announced that this year’s band review would take place on Saturday, October 12th. Lion Melinda announced that we recently received a check for $1,500 for our help at last year’s band review.
Lion Melinda announced that she volunteered to be the Lions Zone chair for Zone 2. Although this is not our zone, they needed someone, and she stepped up.
Lion Melinda also announced the results of Wednesday’s board meeting: This year’s golf tournament has been canceled and moved to next year. Also, our monthly board meeting has been moved to the second Friday of the month and will not take place an hour before our regular meetings at Left of Center. The next board meeting will be at 11:00 AM on Friday, August 9th.
Lion Robert Lee had announced at the board meeting that the fireworks booth had sales of $23,000 this year. Thanks to Lions Melinda, Tony, Dee, Aaron, and Mark for helping with sales this year.

Lion Dee collects money, first day as the new tail twister.

Lion Steve auctions of a set of Maracas

Lion John has a few happy bucks.
Auction Items
Lion Tom Link had been to the coast and brought back a jar of peach jam, which Lion Roy purchased for $10.
Lion Steve had a set of Maracas that former Lion Chris Baldwin had brought back from a recent vacation and given to him in exchange for Steve’s payment for his new air conditioner that Chris’s company had installed at his house. Lion Tom Gaebe purchased them for $11.
Happy Bucks
Lion John was happy that no one was hurt in the recent incident he was involved in. He also had granddaughters come in to see him next week. He and his wife had spent a week at Shaver Lake, where his wife had caught a trophy trout. He also had a dollar because he didn’t have his badge.
Lion Tom Link had a happy buck for an 18-day trip to Europe, including Germany, the Netherlands, Rome, the Greek Islands, and Barcelona. Several of us wondered if he would take a note to the Pope when Lion Tom dropped in to see him.
Lion Dee was happy to see the group from Porterville found their way to the big city of Visalia and visit with us today.
Lion Seve had some money from former Lion Chris Baldwin, $5 for the Dodgers, and another $10 for Steve, who got the new AC from him.
Lion Tony was happy to see Lion Steve back at club and happy that the Porterville Lions were with us.
Lion Aaron was happy he had a nice conversation with his son this past week, and that professional pickleball player Anna Leigh Waters was playing so well.
Lion Melinda was happy to see Lion Steve back with us and wished Lion Tom Link a good trip to Europe.
The Porterville Lions were happy to be with us and happy that Lion Dee had installed their officers.
Lion Roy was happy to see Steve back and happy to see the group from Porterville with us today. He was especially happy that Lion Jay from Porterville was a fellow motorcyclest who had done two Iron Butt days on his bike, those are where you ride 1000 miles in 24 hours.
Lion Dee fined several for not knowing the District Govoners name, of course, come to find out, Lion Dee didn’t even know it.
The $5 drawing went to Lion Allen, who donated it to the Lions Eye Foundation.
Lotto ticket: went to one of the Porterville Lions.
The marble drawing went to Lion Steve, who picked another color of marble and not the white one.

Lion Tom Link won this weeks free add.
As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy)
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