The Roar Newsletter for Friday, April 19, 2019

Lion president Karen opened our meeting by asking Lion Bob Line to sing God Bless America, our flag salute was led by Lion Ed and the Invocation by Lion Pete.
Lion Janet announced that this year’s MD4 convention will once again be held here in Visalia next February.
Lion Allen announced that this coming Saturday the 27th another eye screening will take place at the Farmersville Veterans Memorial park. Let him know if you can attend avent62426@aol.com
Lion Vicki announced that this years installation of officers will be Thursday, June 27th at the Vintage Press, drinks from 5-6, dinner at 6:00.
Happy Bucks
Lion Ruth was happy it was Friday…
Lion Roy was happy the Dodgers were in first place, and he had a $1.00 for the 10% of $10 he won from two weeks ago Lotto ticket win.
Lion Pete was happy he got to play golf on the coast but had to do it in a galeforce wind.
Lion Melinda had a happy buck for almost being fully moved into her new house, plus another one for heave a set of three bosses that were the best in the world at work.
Lion Leigh was happy that Sabastion and his aunt Lisa were there today to talk about Special Olympics.
Lion Ed was glad he doesn’t live in Tulare (with all the problems that the city has been having lately) and that his Dodger blue was in first place.
Lion Vicki was happy her husband was still doing good.
Lion Carol was $2 happy, one for just being happy and the other as a little add. She volunteers at downtown Visalia’s simply chic boutique for the Visalia Rescue Mission, come on in and check it out.
Secret greater: Bob Line, he was so popular only one person didn’t shack his hand.
Lion president Karen fined herself for drawing Lion Tom Links name for the no fine badge and depriving the club of much-needed revenue.
Lion Bob Line fined Lion Steve for putting pinwheels in his yead for easter and causing Bob’s wife to wonder why Bob had not done something similar.
Lion Allen fined Lion Vicki for giving him a little three-fingered handshake when she greeted him.
Lion Melinda fined Lion Allen for saying a “little” three-fingered handshake.
Lion Roy won the $5 drawing and gave it to the Leo club.
Lotto tickets, once again Lion Roy won this prize but won no money this time.
Marble drawing. Lion Vicki gets the chance to draw but won nothing.
Today’s program was announced by Lion Leigh, who has been involved with Special Olympics for years and is presently the Tulare County Director of the program. He introduced to us Sabastion who has been a Special Olympics athlete for several years. he talked about his goals, what special Olympics has done for him and what he gets out of it. A great program.
Lion Bob Line is happy that he put a deposit down on the new Quail Park.
Sebastion’s aunt Lisa talks about Special Olympics
Special Olympics athlete Sebastian talks about what it has done for him.
Lion Leigh and Sebeasion receive our clubs check for Special Olympics from Lion president Karen.
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