ROAR Newsletter for August 27, 2021
President Aaron Odell opened the meeting by asking Lion Karen McVaigh to lead Club members in the flag salute. Jeff Meader performed the invocation, and Bob Line led his fellow Lions in song.
Lion Bob Line won the coveted “no-fine” badge.
Karen McVaigh shared that 2 tickets are available to Club Members for Family Services of Tulare County’s Purple Party On October 1st.
Dee Baughman announced that there will be a memorial service for Lion Don Landers on October 16th at the Gateway Church.
Tom Link shared that Lion George Fry is out of the hospital and recovering at Linwood Meadows Care Center.
Auction Items
President Aaron auctioned off a package of Hula Hut fudge from his recent trip to Avila Beach. Lion Pat Harrison bought the fudge for a donation of 15 dollars.
Happy Bucks
Lion Dee was happy that the San Francisco Giants are still in first place atop the MLB’s hotly contested Western Division.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse was happy to see her friend Myriam at the meeting as a guest. Vicki’s husband is doing well, she is doing better herself, and she recently celebrated a birthday.
Lion Jeff Meader was happy to be back at Club.
John Parker stayed up to watch the Dodgers’ recent16 inning win over the Padres.
Tom Link is on his way to Morro Bay. He also shared that he gave Bob Line an extra ticket to a recent event where Lion Bob was asked to give the opening prayer, and performed admirably.
Lion Craig Wheaton will be embarking on a hike across the Sierras.
Lion Allen’s son was working at a SoCal restaurant that became the scene of a shooting. Fortunately Allen’s son was uninjured.
Lion Betty Odell had a great time on their recent trip to Avila Beach.
Lion Vicki attempted, but failed, to fine Lion Bob Line, who was shielded by the coveted “no-fine” badge. She then fined Lion Karen McVaigh, who reportedly had harassed her relentlessly prior to the meeting.
Secret Greeter Betty Odell fined several members for failing to shake her hand prior to the meeting as required.
Vicki Whitehouse won the five-dollar drawing and graciously donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation.
Bulldog fan Bob Line won the free ad.
Lion Jeff Meader won the Lottery tickets.
Tony Loliva won a shot at the marble drawing but didn’t draw the white marble.
Myriam of His Presence Ministries described their efforts to “Bring people to the heart of God”. The Ministry and it’s team of 25 volunteers have been been providing food and opportunities for Bible Study to local people in need.
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