Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 5-24-24

Anna Hernandez from Catholic Charities talks to the club today about how many people they have helped from last years floods.
Todays Meeting
Lion President Melinda was once again at the helm and called on Lion John to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Pat to lead us in singing My Country Tis Is Thee, and Lion Pete to do the invocation.
Lion Allen announced our guests today: Lions Robert and Billy from the Sequoia Club joined us, along with Lions Joe and Adiel from the Ivonhoe Club. Anna Hernandez, from Catholic Charities, was with us today as our speaker.
The No Fine badge went to Adiel from Ivanhoe today.
Tuesday, June 4th, 12:00 PM: Visitation with Sequoia Lions Club, Amegos Restaurant, 5113 W. Walnut Ave, corner of Walnut and Akers.
Lions Park: The sign at Lions Park, located at 6500 W. Ferguson, needs some restoration work. The lion’s seal is gone, and it needs repainting. Lion Melinda will inquire with the city on how to proceed.
Past presidents meeting: Lion Tony has set this year’s past presidents meeting for Wednesday, June 5th, at Mountain Mikes Pizza, 3103 South Mooney Blvd. The meeting will start at 5:30 p.m. and will discuss our officer lineup for the 24-25-year term.
Club merger meeting: The second meeting with the Sequoia Lions Club took place on Wednesday, the 22, and more progress was made regarding how the process will work. Club funds will be merged, and that process with the state of California, since our club is a 501C three corp, will take some time. The expected merger should take place sometime in the early fall. Both clubs will set a slate of officers now, as the new year will begin July 1st, and we’ll divi up the roles once the merger takes place. Meeting days and places have not yet been formalized, but we will meet weekly as our club does now. The Sequoia club meets twice a month at Amego’s.
Lion Robert from Sequoia Lions noted that one of their club’s big fundraisers, a firework booth, is coming up soon and asked for help from our club. A sign-up will go around next week.
Up date on Lion Steve: He is doing better and hopes to be back at our meeting next week.

Lion Mark has a happy buck

Lion Elaine looks for happy bucks and fines.

Lion Brad happy to be back after his trip to Washington state.
Happy Bucks
Lion Bob Line was happy that he was unharmed after he faceplanted crossing the street on his way to our meeting.
Lion Dee was happy his granddaughter had been promoted to High School this week.
Lion John was happy that he was going to the Firestone-Walker Brew Fest in Paso Robles at the end of this month.
Lion Pete was happy that we were joining forces with the Sequoia Club and that the SF Giants were almost back to the 500 mark.
Lion Billy from the Sequoia club was also happy that our two clubs would merge.
Lion Tom Link was happy to invite all of us to the cemetery on Monday to see the Avenue of Flags. He assured us we would not have to make this a long-term stay, and also, there would be no cover charge.
Lion Mark was happy that Lion Bob Line was OK and that no harm came to him from his fall. He was also happy that the Dodgers were doing so well this year.
Lion Pat is also glad Lion Bob is OK.
Lion Betty was happy to see all our guests here today.
Lion Melinda was also happy to see the folks from Sequoia and Ivanhoe clubs today.
Lion Brad was happy to see that Lion Bob was okay, and he invited Bob to come to the Brad Board School of Falling, as Lion Brad had much experience.
Lion Roy was happy he was headed, along with his wife Javonna, on an 18-day road trip to Kansas City, Missouri, for a volume photograph seminar. They take ten days to get there, and while there, they will take in a Royals/Yankees Game.
Lion Melinda fined Lions Tom Link and Elaine for being late. Though Tom claimed that he had already paid his money when the bell rang, he paid the fine anyway.
Lion Betty fined Lion Allen because Allen had mixed up our speakers name in introducing her.
2024 Scholership winners.

Lion Tony presents one of the Lions scholarship winner, Valeria Gutierrez- Aguirre from Golden West High School. Lindamarie Herrera from Redwood High School also was a receptent.
The $5 drawing went to Lion Allen who donated it to the eye foundation.
Lotto ticket: Lion Betty.
The marble drawing went to Lion Dee, his attempt to find the white marble came up short.

Lion Pete says Gretings from North Carolina, where he will be for the next month.
As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy)
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