ROAR Newsletter for September 23, 2021

President Aaron Odell opened the meeting by asking Lion Dee Baughman to lead the flag salute, Lion Tom Link to lead a song, and Steve Gerrard to do the invocation.
Lion Tom Gaebe reminded Lions that October 16th is the date of the annual band review and field show. Volunteers are still needed.
The memorial service for Lion Don Landers will also be held at 11AM of October 16th. There will be a Luncheon at the Elks Lodge immediately after the services.
Lion Dee Baughman won the no-fine badge, dashing hopes for additional revenue.
Happy Bucks
USC Trojan fan Tom Gaebe was happy that his alma mater had won.
San Francisco Giants fan Dee Baughman was happy that his team had won. His favorite football team, BYU, is also highly ranked.
Lions Roy Dressel and Brad Board was happy to be back at Club.
Lion John Parker recently attended his step-daughters wedding.
Red Sox fan Allen Ventling is looking forward to his team playing on the West Coast in October.
Lion Karen McVaigh thanked Lion Pat Harrison for buying pies for us to sample.
Lion Tony Loliva won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse won the free ad.
Lion Allen Ventling won the Lotto tickets.
Lion Roy Dressel won a shot a the marble drawing.
Master Fisherman John Parker provided a detailed presentation on his one of his favorite hobbies, Kokanee fishing. He brought his equipment, which included rods, reels and an extensive collection of lures; and shared his recipe for his favorite corn bait. He also shared pictures of his boat and his impressive catches.
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