The August 13th meeting opened with the flag salute led by Lion Betty Odell. Pat Harrison led his fellow Lions in song and Lion Tony Loliva performed the invocation.
Leslie Gardner, Executive Director of Happy Trails riding academy, was a guest at the meeting.
Tom Gaebe announced that the Lions Band Review and Field Show is scheduled for October 16th.
President Aaron Odell passed around a member activity form that can be used to track creditable volunteer activities performed by members. Volunteers are also needed for the Club’s Golf Tournament Committee.
Lion John Parker won the coveted “no-fine” badge.
Happy Bucks
Lion George Fry donated twenty happy bucks in honor of his last Club meeting. He will be moving to Pacific Grove.
Lions Craig Wheaton, Dee Baughman, Steve Gerrard, Betty Odell, and Tony Loliva were happy to see Lions Vicki Whitehouse, and George Fry back at Club. San Francisco fans Craig and Dee were also happy that the Giants had the best record in Major League Baseball.
After donating several happy bucks, Lion Vicki donate $100 to Happy Trails Riding Academy.
Brad Board donated ten happy bucks. His daughter has become the piano accompanist for the Tulare County Symphony and the Choir Director for the Presbyterian Church.
Lion Pat Harrison donated twenty happy bucks. He recently fell but didn’t break, and he complete his service on jury duty.
Lion Roy Dressel will be taking a two week trip up the Coast.
Pete Sherwood noted that Lion Brad had been losing weight.
John Parker fined President Aaron for starting the meeting late.
Lion Allen Ventling fined Bob Line for the mutant pineapples on his Hawaiian shirt.
Roy Dressel, who had to leave early for work, fined himself.
Everyone welcomed Secret Greeter Vicki Whitehouse with a handshake.
Lion Pete Sherwood won the five dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to Happy Trails Riding Academy. Craig Wheaton won the free advertisement and the lotto tickets. Pete Sherwood won a chance at the marble drawing but failed to nab the elusive white marble.
Leslie Gardner provided an update on activities at Happy Trails Therapeutic Riding Center. Their programs include Therapeutic Riding, Equine Assisted Activities, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, andVeteran Services.

Lion Vicki was back and collecting happy bucks and fines.

Lion president Aaron led our meeting today.

Leslie Gardner from Happy Trails.

Lion Brad with his happy bucks.
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