The September 10th meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Lion Tony Loliva. President Aaron Odell asked Pat Harrison to lead his fellow Lions in song, and Pete Sherwood to perform the invocation.
President Aaron shared that the Club hopes to be selling pies as a fundraiser prior to Thanksgiving.
Lion Betty Odell won the “no-fine” badge.
Happy Bucks
Pete Sherwood had a great backpacking trip in Kings Canyon and donated twenty happy bucks.
Giants fan Dee Baughman was happy his team was in first place atop the National League Western Division.
Craig Wheaton was happy to be sharing a presentation about his rafting trip down the Colorado River.
Lion Bob Line’s singing daughters will be performing at The Ranch.
Pat Harrison’s daughter brought him some new reading material.
Lion Steve Gerrard is now $75 richer after cashing in at a garage sale.
Lion Jeff Meader was happy to be back at Club.
Vicki Whitehouse’s husband continues to do well. She also was happy to see Lion Jeff Back and paid a fine for her Dodgers.
Lions Bob Line and AllenVentling fined each other.
Lion Dee Baughman fined Tail Twister Vicki Whitehouse for allegedly short-changing him on his happy buck.
Board Member Jeff Meader fined himself for missing a recent meeting.
Dee Baughman won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation.
Karen McVaigh won the free ad.
Allen Ventling won the Lotto tickets.
Tony Loliva won a shot at the Marble drawing but failed to find the elusive white marble.
Adventurer Craig Wheaton shared pictures from a recent non-commercial rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. Craig spent eight days rowing, hiking, exploring and camping on the river. The trip began in Glen Canyon near Lake Powell, and ended with a hike from Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Canyon to the top of the South Rim.
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