Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 12-20-24

It’s been reported that Santa reads the roar.

Our server, Daniel, received his yearly tip and said goodbye as he will be moving to LA on January 1st.

Jody Gilman speaks to the club.
Lion Tony was our fearless leader today, filling in for Lion President Melinda, who was away; he called on Roar Editor Lion Roy to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Dee to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Pete to do the invocation.
The no-fine badge went to Lion Allen today.
We will be dark next week: Lion Tody noted that we will be dark next week; we’ll see you all next year on Friday, January 3rd.
Guests today were our speaker, Jody Gilman, from Soroptimists, along with Visalia Emergency Aid Counsel director, Mary Jane Jennings.
Happy Bucks
Lion Dee was $5 happy to be back at our meeting today as he has been out recovering from back surgery for several weeks.
Lion Roy was happy to see Dee back. Since he had watched a YouTube video showing several Yankees Fan’s reactions to game five of the World Series, he was reminded (because Dee was back) to have another happy buck for the Dodgers win.
Lion Pete was happy that Mary Jane from Visalia Emergency Aid was with us today and that Dee was back and doing better. He was also glad to see Mary Jane from Visalia Emergency Aid.
Lion Tom Link had a happy buck because his daughter was with us today, and he was one of the few lion members who remembered that the last meeting before Christmas was always Lady’s Day.
Mary Jane also had a happy buck because the club supported the Visalia Emergence Air Council with its annual check of $1,000. We also collected over $500 additional from club members today, along with toys for the kids. She was also happy because she was going to Texas on Monday for a well-deserved vacation.
Lion Leigh was also happy that Lion Dee was back with us.
Lion Bob was happy his daughter, Jody, was with us today.
Lion Mark was happy Dee was with us, that we were all here today, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Lion Elaine was happy that she was a member of this club and that Lion Betty was at Stanford Medical Center getting a diagnosis and a plan for the issue with her heart.
The Questions
Lion Dee was back, and he resumed his questions/fines. If you don’t know the answer, you are fined.
#1. Where was St Nicholas from? This one was presented to Lion Roy, whose answer of Greenland brought a few chuckles from the group. The answer was Türkiye.
#2. Who was the actor who played six roles in the film The Polar Express? Pete correctly answered Tom Hanks.
#3. In the story, The Christmas Carol, what was Scruge’s first name? Lion Steve was given the question, and he did not know; Lion Pat filled in the answer for him: Ebenezer
#4. Where was egg knog invented? Several people guessed this one, but Lion Colin came up with the correct answer: England.

Lion Dee is happy to be back at the club after several weeks away.

Lion Elaine is happy to be a member of the club.

Lion Tony Leading todays meeting
Winners and Losers
The $5 drawing went to Lion Bob Line, who donated it to Visalia Emergency Aid.
The Lotto scratchers went to Lion Colin.
The Marble went to Lion Tony; no luck, though.

Lion Leigh won the free add today.
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