Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 1-17-25

Todays Meeting
Our meeting began today with Lion President Melinda calling on Lion Tom Gaebe to lead us in saluting our flag, Lion Dee led us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Bob Line did the invocation.
Our guest today was Matt Van Soyoc, who heard about our club from a friend and came to check us out.
The no-fine badge was won by our guest, Matt, who, as per custom, couldn’t have been fined anyway, but it did feel good to win.
Lion president Melinda did not select a secret greeter so she put $5 into the pot herself.
Lion Dee announced that Lion Pat was still suffering from arthritis. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Lion Allen announced that the Young Life banquet will be held on Friday, February 21. Our club has a table of 8, so anyone who would like to attend is welcome.
Lion Allen also announced that we have a vision screening at Tulare County Office of Education on March 1st. We have done this event for several years now and have many people bringing their kids by to have their eyes tested. The Tulare County Science and Engineering Fair is going on that day, and it’s interesting to see what the students come up with for projects displayed in the exhibit hall.

Our guest today, Mat Van Soyoc is a graduate of both Mt. Whitney and COS

Lion Melinda leading todays meeting.

Lion Dee colleting money from thos triva questions.
Happy Bucks
Lion Tom Link had a happy buck because he went out to lunch with Dee yesterday, and Lion Dee noted that he paid $5 for the tip.
Lion Mark was happy his daughter had a new car.
Lion Allen was happy to see our guest, Matt, with us today.
Lion Leigh was happy his son was back in his home near Pasadena after having to evacuate because of the Eaton fire, he was happy to report that his home was still standing and had suffered no damage.
Lion Roy had three happy bucks: one because he rode his motorcycle today, one that our guest Matt joined us today, and the last one because he has a job taking basketball photos next weekend in Woodlake.
Lion Karen was happy to see our guest, Matt, and also happy that she and Lion Rick were celebrating their 41st wedding anniversary.
Our guest, Matt, was happy to be with us today.
Lion Tom Link was fined for being late.
Lion Leigh fined Roar editor Lion Roy for his phone going off during the meeting.
Lion Dee had his trivia contest again, this time about presidents.
Q: Who was the first president to die in office?
A: William Henery Harrison, who served only one month in office and passed on April 4th, 1841.
Q: Who was the president that banned alcohol from the White House?
A: Rutherford B. Haze 1977-1881
Q: Who was the last president to survive an assassination attempt?
A: Ronald Reagen March 30, 1981
Q: Is the first president to serve two non-convective terms?
A: Grover Cleveland: 1885-1889 & 1893-1897
Q: Is the only President to also serve as a Supreme Court justice?
A: William Howard Taft 1909-1913
The $5 drawing went to Lion Allen, who tried to donate it to the Allen Ventling Foundation but ended up donating it to the Eye Foundation.
Lotto ticket: Lion Steve
The marble drawing went to Lion Bob Line, who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.

Lion Karen won the free add.
As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy)
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