The Club received a Thank You letter from CSET for our donations in January of 2020, which allowed them to make crucial improvements to their Meals on Wheels Program.
Our program was presented by Nicola Wissler. Some of you may know her from the Workforce Investment Board but today she was sharing a new community resources sponsored by her church, Just Serve. This is a way for us to find, advertise, or volunteer for community service projects. It is local and national and we, as in the Lions Club, can list our service projects and perhaps attract individuals that may be willing to help out. I think it could be a way to recruit service oriented people as members. We will talk more about it at our next board meeting.
Happy Bucks
Lions John Parker and Steve Gerrard were happy about the Los Angeles Dodgers winning the World Series.
Lions Tom Link and Tony Loliva were happy for Fresno State’s big win.
President Craig was happy to have his internet restored in the mountains.
Lions Betty & Aaron Odell were happy for being back in town and visiting grandchildren
Lion Allen Ventling was happy for something 🙂
Lion Brent Robinson was happy that his children might be able to return to school, in person, in December.
Lion Tom Link was fined for being late and numerous other things
Nov. 6 Zoom Meeting Program: Habitat for Humanity
Nov 10 Zoom Board Meeting
Nov. 13 In person Lions Meeting
We hope to see all of you at our next meeting. All Zoom meetings are held at the same link:
Meeting ID: 779 181 9414
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