Vice-president Craig Wheaton opened the August 23d meeting with a patriotic song led by Lion Dee Baughman. Bob Line performed the invocation and Lion Rick McVaigh led the flag salute.
Water resources expert John Austin was a guest for the meeting.
Lion Dee Baughman shared photos of a Club Sports Expo from several years ago.
Lion Tom Gaebe reminded Lions that the Annual Band Review and Field Show is coming up on October 12th.
Treasurer Karen McVaigh shared that, based on the latest estimates, the Charity Golf Tournament raised over $7,000.
Happy Bucks
Lion Melinda Blankenship thanked everyone for their help with the Golf Tournament. Lion Dee Baughman was also happy with the success of the event.
Lion Pat Harrison was happy that Lions Justin Levy and Carol Jones won the gift cards he donated.
Lion Steve Gerrard recognized Melinda for her leadership on the golf tournament. He is also happy his kitchen remodel is finished.
Lion Lauri Aguilar thanked Lions for making her husband feel welcome at the tournament.
Lion Brad Board’s son took him to a Giants game at Oracle Park.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse shared that her husband continues to do well and played in the golf tournament.
Lion Janet McClintock also recognized Melinda for her leadership on the golf tournament.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse fined Lions Tom Link and Brad Board.
Lion Dee Baughman complained that all he won for his raffle tickets was a candy bar and a few souvenir golf balls.
Lion Betty Odell won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the La Sierra Leo Club. Craig Wheaton won the free ad. Lion Lauri Aguilar won the Lotto tickets. Lion Tom Link won a shot at the marble drawing but missed his chance at fame and fortune.
Local water resources expert John Austin described the impacts of the recent drought and increasing temperatures on crops and forests in the Kaweah. Tule. and Kings River basins.

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