Vice President Craig Wheaton opened the December 3rd meeting by asking Lion Tony Loliva to lead Club Members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Dee Baughman led his fellow Lions in song, and Pete Sherwood performed the invocation.
Guests for the meeting included Mitch Laureal, Richard Freeman and Jason Crabtree from Visalia Rescue Mission.
Lion Roy Dressel won the coveted “no-fine” badge.
Vice president Craig shared that he hopes to raise $2,500 for the Club Foundation Account by cutting his hair as a charity event.
Happy Bucks
Lion Tony Loliva recently returned from Colorado and donated twenty happy bucks!
Roy Dressel was happy the Christmas Parade went well. He also was able to photograph the “Race Against Hunger.”
Lion Pete Sherwood was happy for the parade, the 49ers, the Giants, and the Cal Ripken team his office is sponsoring.
Tom Link got all his Christmas decorations up.
Kent Wooley was happy to have recovered from a recent illness and be back at Club.
Lion Pat Harrison’s housekeeper decorated his house for Christmas.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse shared that her husband is doing well, the pies from the pie sale were delicious, and that it was great to have our guests from Visalia Rescue Mission at Club.
Vicki Whitehouse won the five-dollar raffle and graciously donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation. Karen McVaigh won the free ad and Dee Baughman won the lottery tickets.
Guests from Visalia Rescue Mission described the services they provide with the support of Ministry partners. This year, they have provided over 90,000 meals, housed 383 guests, counseled 1516 individuals, and had 24 graduates of their Life Change Academy.

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