Lion Steve auctions off
Lion Craig was at our meeting today with a happy buck because it had been a few weeks since he had shown up.
Lion president Karen lead out meeting again today and had Lion Dee lead us in singing My country Tiss of Thee, First vis president Lion Ruth lead us in saluting the flag and Lion Bob Lind did today’s invocation.
Today’s guests today were Lee Johnson, from The Mid Kaweah Ground Water Sustainability Agency and Larry Micari candidate for District 1 county supervisor, a guest of Lion Don Landers.
No Fine Badge
This went to our President Lion Karen, shouts of collusion were echoed through the room.
Lion Melinda announced many things that came out of the district meeting at the coast during the past weekend. among them were that our new district governor is William VanVanlaningham from the Visalia Pride Lions Club.
Lion Dee announced that the Diabetes camp at Bearskin Meadows will be opening soon and he will be taking a group of Leos up on Memorial Day Weekend to work on getting the camp ship shape after the winter. Anyone who would like to provide transportation should contact him for info.
Lion Allen announced that the Vision Screening, held on this past Saturday in Farmers was a success, screened 53 kids and refired 11 for full exams.
Lion Bob Line announced that he had attended the COS scholarship night and that our Lions Club sponsored Bruce Jenson Scholarship was handed out at that time.
Auction Items
Lion Steve auctioned off a bag of Chocolate Covered Jelly Beans from his recent trip to Idaho.
Lion Melinda auctioned off a bag of Elephant Seal Poop, (chocolate covered peanuts) from her trip to the convention in Cambria.
We sang happy birthday to Lion Craig and Lion Kent
Happy Bucks
Lion Dee was happy he had a new great-granddaughter, and he was happy the barbershop show went off great.
Lion ruth was once again happy it was Friday, but she only had quarters for her $1.
Lion Allen was happy that as of May 1st, he was officially retired.
Lion Brad was happy that we have friendly police offices in Visalia, his daughter’s window was broken and a nice office took the report.
Lion Craig was just happy to be back at club as he had not been in attendance of late, but he had skyed a record 37 days this year.
Lion was $5 happy, husband doing great, Larry Micari was with us today.
Lion Bob Line was happy to see another Democrat running for president.
Lion Roy was happy that the Dodgers were still in first place and that he was going to be photographing Lions Ed and Carol’s daughter’s wedding this weekend.
Lion Euth fined Lion Allen for blaming her earlier in the meeting for chasing all the kids away at the Farmersville Eye Screening
Lion Tom Link fined Lion Bob Line because Lion Bob did not show up for the baseball game this past week, he had some “big” fundraiser to go to.
Lion Melinda fined Lion Don landers for being late.
Secret Greater
Lion Top Link was our secret great today, many spoke up, thinking that Tom came in late, but then they remembered that was for the last meeting, and the one before that, and the one before that.
$5 raffle, Lion Dee, to the Leos
Lotto: Lion Allen
Marble, Lion Dee
Roy Says Go Dodgers
Lee Johnson, Today’s program about groundwater.
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