Our meeting today was lead by our president, Lion Ruth, who called on Lion Dee to lead us in singing God Bless America and Lion Bob Line in doing the invocation. Lion Janet lead us is saluting our flag.


Lion Roy announced that there will be a meeting of the Murder Mystery Dinner committee this coming Tuesday evening  1-14) at Park Visalia, 3939 W Walnut Ave. Here in Visalia. he also had a sign up for those who wanted to be on the committee that will be headed again this year by Lion Lauri Aguilar

Tickets for the third annual Murder Mystery Dinner are now available on our web site.

The tickets are the same prices as last year, $75 each and there are 8 per table.

Lion Ruth announced that will once again help out the Visalia Rescue Mission with their Superbowl party for the homeless at the Mission on Sunday, February 2. Sign-ups were taken, and you can contact Ruth @ 559-308-3823 to let her know you would like to participate

Lion Janet announced that the MD4 convention would once again be here in Visalia on February 21 and 22.

Lion Ruth also announced that Quail Park at Shannon Ranch had invited the club to have one of our meetings at their facility. Having all agreed that was a good idea she will get that arranged in the next few weeks. Watch the Roar for the date.

Lion Allen announced that he would be the new Lions Youth Exchange person for our club. As many of you know, Lion Erik Frost had that position for many years, but he has moved to the coast, so Allen has generously agreed to take on the role.

Lion Janet won the No fine Badge.

Happy Bucks

Lion Pete was happy that his wife got a new car. Lion Pat commented that all of Pete’s competition must have died off, and he was making the big bucks to be able to afford that new car.

Lion George was happy for his kids (all of whom are 60+) because they had received a financial gift from him at Christmas.

Lion Tony was happy that the 49ers were playing the Vikings on Saturday, and I am sure he was even happier come Saturday evening as the 49ers won that game. We will expect another happy but this coming Friday Tony.

Lion Dee was happy that he took all three of his daughters to lunch this past week.

Lion Allen was $3 happy because his recent trip to Vegas paid off big for him.

Lion Pat was happy that Lion Melinda had knit him four afghans.

Lion Tony had a dollar because last week he had won the lotto tickets and they had paid off with a $10 win.

Lion Janet had a dollar from Lion Melinda, who could not be at the meeting today because she had had some work on her knee recently, and it was not doing well today.

Lion Ruth was happy because “it’s Friday.”

Lion Vicki was happy because her husband was doing well and playing golf as we ere having our meeting.


Lion Dee fined Lion Tom Link for once again not having to pay for their birthday lunch. Miguel at Colimas had already taken care of it. Next year, Dee says he is going to another restaurant where Tom is going to have to pay. Tom replied that he has already made reservations at Colimas on June 16th (Dee’s birthday)

Lion Dee also fined Lion Tom because Tom, famous for his socks, had inferior socks to what Dee was wearing today.

Lion Ruth fined someone name Bob Link, not sure who that was.


Lion Allen with a big smile after coming back from Vegan “with” money” 

Lion Dee showing off the socks that he claims are better the socks of Lion Tom Link. 

Our Tail Twister, Lion Vicki, collecting happy bucks and fines.

The 101st California Lions Convention!


“Denim & Diamonds”

Calling all Cowboys and Cowgirls!

February 21-23, 2020

Visalia Convention Center

Host Hotel: Marriott

300 S Court St, Visalia, CA 93291


Lion Steve won the Lotto scratchers. We’ll see next week if he won the big bucks.

Lion Janet won the free add.

Lion Tony won the marble drawing but did not win the white marble.

Lori Olvera-Clackson from Young life was our guest speaker today. Our club has given a donation to this organization for many years and Lori has been a guest our ours for many of those years. She talked about what Young Life does for teens and also let us know that our gift entitled 8 of our members to join them for there annual fundraising dinner at the gateway church on Friday, February 28th starting at 5:30. If you would like to attend contact Lion president ruth at 559-308-3823 and let her know. 

Lion President Ruth presents the check to Lori Olvera-Clackson of Younglife.