President Ruth Mckee opened the meeting with a patriotic song led by Lion Pat Harrison. Ed Jones performed the invocation and Lion Leigh Mosconi led the flag salute.
Guests included Field Biologists Crystal Griffin and Jessie Eriando of the Delta Vector Control District.
Melinda Blankenship won the no-fine badge.
Lion Roy Dressel provided another update on the the Murder Mystery Dinner Committee. The Committee will be meeting every Tuesday at 5:30 at Park Visalia. Club Members are asked to donate two $25 gift cards (contact Melinda Blankenship) and three bottles of wine (contact Aaron or Betty Odell) for raffle prizes at the Dinner.
Lion Allen Ventling reminded Members that the Super Bowl Party for the Homeless will be on February 2nd at the Visalia Rescue Mission. Dinner will be at “intermission”.
Happy Bucks
Lions Carol and Ed Jones shared that they will miss everyone when they move to Prescott, Arizona. Lions Pete Sherwood, Roy Dressel, Vicki Whitehouse, and Ruth McKee donated happy bucks to wish Lions Ed and Carol well.
Lion Melinda Blankenship was happy to be back at Club after recovering from the Kneesles.
Lion Pat Harrison donated five happy bucks, one for each afghan made by Lion Melinda.
Lion Ed Jones opined that recent cheating scandals showed that the Dodgers really were the better team.
Lion Ed Jones fined himself twenty dollars because Lions Tom Link, Dee Baughman, and Bob Line were at a funeral and were unavailable to fine.
Lion Melinda Blankenship fined Lion Allen Ventling for an unspecified comment.
Allen Ventling won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation. Lion Bob Bricker won the free ad. Janet McClintock won the Lotto tickets. Tony Loliva won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to find the missing white marble.
Field biologists Crystal Griffin and Jessie Eriando of the Delta Vector Control District described their agencies efforts to control mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit. The agency monitors mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases; controls mosquitoes by eliminated breeding sources and using biological, and chemical controls; and teaches the public to control mosquito populations and to protect themselves.

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