The July 19th meeting began with a patriotic song. Pete performed Sherwood the invocation and Lion Carol Jones led the flag salute.
The guests for the meeting were Gil Jaramillo of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Patricia Button of the Genesis House.
Lion Allen Ventling won the “no-fine” badge for the meeting.
Lion Melinda Blankenship provided an update on the progress of the Charity Golf Tournament Committee. Players and Tee Sign Sponsors are still needed.
Gil Jaramillo shared that the Hispanic Chamber’s Chili Verde Golf Tournament is Friday September 6th.
Lion Tom Link shared that the Tulare County Historical Society is selling tickets to the August 7th Rawhide Game for a donation of $15.
Lion Tom Gaebe announced that the Lion’s High School Band Review will be on October 12th.
Happy Bucks
Lion Karen McVaigh donated five happy bucks after finding the lost Club heirloom Presidents Pin.
Lion Dee Baughman continues to do well after not having surgery on his knees. He is also happy with the recent San Francisco Giant’s winning streak
Now that she has returned from Texas, Lion Carol Jones will be traveling with Lion Ed to Ireland.
Lion Ed was happy his Dodgers continue to do well.
Lion Pete Sherwood was glad to see Fresno resident Justin Levy back at Club.
Tournament Chair Melinda Blankenship shared that preparations for the Golf Tournament are going well.
Lion Steve Gerrard’s granddaughter is in basic training at Lackland AFB in San Antone.
Lion Roy Dressel is marking the second anniversary of his by-pass operation.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse shared that her husband continues to do well. She also said that her kids are having fun at Comicon in San Diego.
Once again, President Ruth McKee was happy it was Friday.
Lion Tom link fined guest Gil Jaramillo for telling him that being on the Cemetery Board was an easy gig.
Lion Dee Baughman fined Colorado Rockies fan Justin Levy after the Giants crushed the Rockies in a recent series.
Lion Justin Levy fined Roy Dressel for arriving late.
Secret Greeter Lion Tom Link fined Bob Bricker for not shaking his hand prior to the meeting as required.
Janet McClintock won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation. Lion Melinda Blankenship won the free ad. Lion Karen McVaigh won the Lotto tickets.
Patricia Button, Executive Director of the Genesis House, described the services they provide as a shelter for homeless runaway girls. The organization’s immediate needs include volunteers, Board Members, and monthly donations.
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