Club President Karen McVaigh opened the meeting by asking Lion Bob Line to lead the Club in song – America, My Country Tis of Thee. Lion George Fry performed the invocation and Lion Jeff Meader lead the flag salute.
Guests for the meeting included Betsy Leon of Visalia Rescue Mission and Josh Banda of the Sequoia Symphony Orchestra.
Lion Pat Harrison won the “no-fine” badge for the meeting.
Lion Dee Baughman shared that, beginning in August, we will need another liaison for our Leo Club. Interested lions should contact Lion Dee.
Betsy Leon of Visalia Rescue Mission presented a Thank You card for our Club’s support.
Secretary Steve Gerrard read the names of candidates for Club officers for 2019/2020.
President Ruth McKee
1st VP Craig Wheaton
2nd VP Jeff Meader
IP Pres Karen McVaigh
Secretary Steve Gerrard
Treasurer Karen McVaigh
Directors Roy Dressel
2 yr. term Betty Odell
Directors Lauri Aguilar
1 yr. term Aaron Odell
Past Pres. Pat Harrison
1 yr. term Allen Ventling
Head Tail Twister Vicki Whitehouse
Head Lion Tamer Tony Loliva
Head Greeter Melinda Blankenship
Lion Ed Jones donated ten dollars in lieu of providing an auction item after his most recent trip to Morro Bay.
Happy Bucks
Happy Lion Jeff Meader donated 20 dollars – His daughter’s dance troupe will be dancing at Disneyland this weekend.
Lion Pat Harrison shared that his Little League All Star Grandson recently hit a home run.
Lion Brad Board will be traveling to Bellflower for his Grandson’s 3rd birthday.
Giants fan Lion Pete Sherwood was able to see his team win two games in Phoenix.
Lion Aaron Odell recently attended a Rawhide Baseball game.
Lion Craig Wheaton will be attending his last meeting in Sacramento. He also noted that, now that a long ski season is over, he has stopped praying for snow.
Lion George Fry donated five happy bucks.
In the absence of Lion Ruth McKee, Lion Allen Ventling wished everyone a happy Friday. He also shared that the insurance he carries on his son’s cell phone paid off after he dropped a large weight on it at the gym.
Lion Ed Jones shared that his wife Lion Carol is having a good time at the Coast. Lion Ed was also happy that the Dodgers are “awesome” this year.
Lion Don Landers is back from a trip to Pismo Beach.
Lion Darryl Farnsworth was happy to be back at Club.
Lion Vicki shared that her husband continues to do well and that the weather has been great.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse fined President Karen for her “short joke”.
Lion Jeff Meader fined himself for having to leave early to return to work.
Lion Betty Odell fined Lion Brad Board for “noise pollution” from his panel truck.
Lion Allen Ventling won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Visalia Rescue Mission. Lion Jeff Meader won the free ad. Lion Bob Bricker won the Lotto tickets. Lion Craig Wheaton won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to draw the elusive white marble.
Executive Director Joshua Banda provided an update on the Sequoia Symphony Orchestra. The Orchestra just finished a great season with guest singer Betsy Wolf, Music for medicine at the Hospital, and a youth concert. For its next performance the Orchestra will accompany the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark on October 18 and 19.
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