President Ruth McKee opened the September 13th meeting with a patriotic song led by Lion Dee Baughman. Ed Jones performed the invocation and Carol Jones led the flag salute.
David Hamilton of Visalia Sunset Lions and Kaden Ferretti, a Fresno Lion, were guests at the meeting.
Lion Tom Gaebe won the no-fine badge.
Lion Tom Gaebe reminded Lions that the Annual Band Review and Field Show is coming up on October 12th.
Lion Allen Ventling shared that 93 kids were screened at the vision screening event at Valley Life Charter School.
Fresno Lion Kaden Ferretti auctioned off a Lion Scarf with proceeds going to Cases for Kids.
Happy Bucks
Lion Dee Baughman donated a happy buck in memory of his Sponsor, Lion Hal Guill, who passed away recently. Lion Melinda shared that Hal was a great Lion and a champion for sight.
USC fan Tom Gaebe was happy his alma mater won.
Biker Roy Dressel was happy to have his motorcycle back on the road.
Lion Jeff Meader’s classic corvette is out of the shop.
Lion Ed Jones was happy his 50th High School reunion is coming soon. He also thanked his wife Carol for her help with the event.
Lion Aaron Odell shared that he had seen some great tennis matches recently.
Vice-President Craig Wheaton was happy that President Ruth was back at the podium.
Lion Carol spent last week at Morro Bay. Lion Tom Link will be going there Monday.
President Ruth was, once again, happy it was Friday.
Treasurer Karen McVaigh shared that the golf tournament, led by Melinda et al, raised almost $7,900.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse shared that her husband is doing well. She was also happy to see Lion Kaden at the meeting and that Lion Tom Gaebe, once again, is coordinating our efforts for the Band Review and Field Show.
Lion Bob Line fined local celebrity Tom Link, who is being honored at a Visalia Emergency Aid Charity Event.
Lion Jeff Meader fined himself for having to leave early.
Dee Baughman fined Lions Tom Link and Brad Board for arriving after the opening bell.
Melinda Blankenship won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation. Bob Line won the free ad. Lion Ed Jones won the Lotto tickets. Lion Allen Ventling won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to find the white marble.
Kaden Ferretti provided tips for calling 911 when a crime is in progress or in the event of a life and death emergency.
- Describe why you are calling in 10 words or less,
- Be aware of your location
- Allow the operator to guide you through the process.
- Breathe
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