Todays Meeting
Thanks to Lion Brad for taking notes and typing them out for me to do the Roar (Lion Roy)
Our meeting today was led by our newest President, Melinda Blankenship. She is doing an incredible job in her new role and has been there for the last three meetings.
Lion Leigh Mosconi started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a rousing song led by Lion Dee Baughman. Our longest-attending member, Lion Bob Line, presented the invocation for our food and the meeting.
We didn’t have a speaker today, so announcements were the next event to take place. Lion Dee paid an advertising dollar for his Valentine’s Day quartet. $60.00 will buy you and your loved one a visit from this group, singing memorable songs, wonderful candy, and a rose. If you are interested, please contact Lion Dee to reserve your spot.
Our club has supported Young Life for many years and is having its annual banquet next month. We have purchased a table that will seat eight folks. The event is on February 23 at the Convention Center, and if you are interested in attending, please contact Lion Allen Ventling (He is the Birthday boy today), so make sure to wish him a happy birthday, even though it may be a few days late.
The coveted NO FINE BADGE was given to Lion Leigh Mosconi, a frequent winner of this badge, so the urban tales go.
Happy Bucks
Lion Peter Sherwood was $20.00 happy that the Grace Community Church is officially moving to its new location and is having its first service this Sunday at 10:00 am. The fellowship hasn’t had a permanent Worship center for the past two years. Everyone is welcome to try out the new chairs (600 available). The church is located on Lovers Lane, just north of Caldwell Avenue, on the west side of the street.
Madam President, Lion Melinda Blankenship had happy bucks today for her grandson, who has been given the nickname of Snugglebug. Lion Melinda is having a great time with this young man.
Lion Allen was happy that he had made 75 trips around the sun and today is his birthday.
Lion Tom Link sold his wifes car that she hasn’t driven in 2 years and he wasn’t willing to provide the club with the customary 10% back to the club, go figure.
Once we were done being “Happy,” it was time to turn the tide with one of our favorite fundraisers.
Lion Dee fined Lion Tom Link, who was having lunch when Lion Link took a phone call and left the lunch table for approximately 30 minutes. Fortunately, Lion Dee was in a familiar lunch haunt, so he didn’t feel too lonely.
Lion Dee then fined Lion Leigh, Lion Bob Line, and Lion Tom Link for the sad state of our educational system. I am sure that Lion Craig Wheaton was glad that he missed the meeting today.
In fairness to our system of fines, Lion Tom fined Lion Dee for taking him to lunch at Colima’s, where Lion Dee knows the owners and always gets a free meal.
Lion Elaine fined herself for being late today; what an honest individual.
Lion Karen fined herself for leaving early, even though we didn’t have a speaker today. Go figure.
Lion Tom fined himself $5.00 for being late today and is hoping to receive credit for future tardiness.
Madam President fined Lions Bob Line, Allen, Tony, Leigh, Tom Link, and Dee for talking while she was presenting to the club. Lion Leigh had the no fine badge, so this created some conversations.
We didn’t have any auction items today.
There was no Secret Greeter chosen today, so Melinda put a dollar in the bucket, for this indiscretion.
Lion Aaron is in Covid Jail, being recently diagnosed, and is just getting over his other medical maladies.
Lion Tony won the $5.00 drawing and wanted to send the funds to the Buffalo Bills. Word has it that Tony may have been asleep when his ticket was drawn, but there is no video of this event, so the collaboration has not been confirmed. Lion Tony eventually decided to send the funds to our local Leo Club.
The Lotto Winner didn’t have to travel too far (having just won the free ad), with Lion Pete receiving the tickets today.
The Marble Drawing was won by our very loyal, Lion Steve Gerrard. He came up empty today, which means that there is even a bigger win next week.
For a time filler, because we didn’t have a speaker, Madam President asked our group if anyone had a bad joke. Lion Allen took the bait and told the following joke. “Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance? He didn’t have a ‘ body to go with’”. Lion Dee also had a joke, and here is the recap, A genie and a request made to have a bridge to Hawaii, the bridge is way to hard, so how about another request. Can you explain how women think? The genie asked him if he wanted two lanes or four lanes on that highway.
Madam President asked all in attendance what is their favorite animal.
Brad-German Shorthaired Pointer
Pete- Gorilla
Elaine- Australian Shepherd. She actually lived in Australia for a while; who knew that?
Allen- Lion
Dee- Elephant
Bob -Horses
Tom – Small dogs in general. A little-known fact: Tom and Ordonna were given a Champion Westminister Dog show dog.
Tony- Dolphins
Steve- Dogs
Melinda- Horse-There is a fun story that goes along with the interest and love of horses. You will need to ask her about this one; it is a heart wrencher.

Lion Pete won the free ad and said Go Bills in honor of Lion Tony
(Apparently, putting an ad in the Roar did not help the Bills on Sunday. )
As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy)
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