Visalia mayor Brian Poochigan giving his program today at club.
Todays Meeting
With Lion President Tony leading our meeting today, Lion Pat led us in the pledge, Lion Dee led us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Pete did the invocation.
Lion President Tony won the no-fine badge today.
Lion Aaron was our secret greater today; only Roar Editor Lion Roy did not shake his hand.
Lion Dee announced that his Barbershop Group, the Mighty Oak Chorus, is having its Broadway and the Silver Screen event on April 29th featuring guests, The Newfangled Four. Click the link for tickets and details.
Lion Tony announced the board meeting this coming Wednesday at 5:30 at Quail Park Shannon Ranch.
Lion Tom Link announced that our adopted Huston School is doing well with its attendance goals this year.
Auction Items
Lions Betty and Aaron had been to Hawaii and brought back two boxes of Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts; one was scooped up right off the bat by Lion Steve, whose offer of $10 was quickly accepted, and the other was procured by Lion Mark for $12. It pays to be quick.
Lion Tom Link had been to the coast for a few days and brought back a $10 bill as an auction item.
Happy Bucks
Lion Pete was happy baseball season was in full swing.
Lion Pat was happy because he had seen the movie Moneyball and they had mentioned Visalia in that movie.
Lion Bob Line was happy to be back with us after a bout of shingles. Not fun, he reported and noted that we should all make sure our shots were up to date.
Lion John Parker was happy that he was finally going to go on a Cruz that they had booked back in 2019, and that had been postponed because of that little detail called Covid.
Lion Aaron was happy that he and his wife, Lion Betty, had spent two weeks in someplace called Hawaii.
Lion Tom Gaebe was happy the Dodgers had a winning record.
Lion Roy fined Lion Betty because she had her badge on upside down.
For some reason, Lion Tony fined Lion Karen. I did not make readable notes about the reason, so we shall leave it at that.

Lion Betty with the two boxes of Chocolat Covered Madadama nuts.

Lion Dee announcing the Mighty Oak Chorus Event on April 29th
The $5 drawing went to Lion John Parker, who donated it to the Leo Club.
Lotto ticket: Lion Karen
The marble drawing went to Lion Bob Line, who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.

Visalia Mayor Brian Poochigian was our program today.
Mayor Brian Poochigian was in our program today, and he gave a short overview of the city’s projects and goals and then turned it over to questions. We had enough to take up the rest of his thirty minutes. From why Great Wolf Lodge backed out of their project to street repairs and, of course, the recent rain (there has been no flooding in the city because of careful monitoring of the channels by city staff) and the fact that the rumor that high 198 was going to be used as flood control. (not true, fake news).
Next week we will have Kevin McClusker from Cal Water to talk about—-Water. Water-Water everywhere.
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