Lion John auctions off some candy purchased on a recent cruz to Alaska.

Lion Aaron explains that wimbleton was great this year.
Todays Meeting
On the last Friday meeting in July, Lion Allen came in for short relief from the bullpen and lead the meeting. He called on Lion Colin to lead us in the flag salute, Lion Pat to lead us in singing America The Beautiful, and Lion John to do the invocation.
The no-fine badge went to Lion John.
Secret Greater: Lion Aaron
Lion Bob Line announced that Lion Tom Link had undergone an angiogram that day, and he did not have the results: keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Tom also had been at the coast and contracted COVID before the angiogram.
Lion Bob also gave us an update on his great-grandson in Utah playing in a Cal Ripken all-star tournament. His team had already won two games, and his grandson had pitched in one of those games.
Lion Allen announced that the district 4A2 installation would be this weekend and that Lion Melinda would be there.
In another announcement, Lion President Allen said we would soon have posters for the Murder Mystery dinner courtesy of Epic Print and Promo. They have worked with us in the past, and we thank them for their help.
Lion Dee had visited with fellow Lion Carri Diltz of the Sunset Lions here in Visalia. She recently had a stroke and is in a nursing home. He gave her the card we had passed around at last week’s meeting and said she looked well and is progressing, but it will take some time. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She has been an active Lion for many years.
Lion Allen noted that last Monday’s visitation at the Pride Lions Club was a lot of fun. Great food. (it was a pot luck)
Auction Items
Lion John had returned from an Alaskan Cruze and had a Box of Moose Nugget Bark candy that he auctions off to Lion Pat for $10. John also had a bottle of his personally brewed Apricote Ail that Pat also picked up for $10. Beer and candy, not a bad del Pat.
Happy Bucks
Lion Roy was happy his son got rid of an old car by donating it to Kars For Kids. But now he can’t get that little jingle out of his head. (it’s still there)
Lion Steve was happy his Grandson was also playing in a baseball tournament in Paso, but they had lost and will not be going on.
Lion Colin was happy to be going to Catalina for an annual family gathering.
Lion Tom Gaebe was happy it was Friday.
Lion Aaron was happy that Wimbelton was great.
Lion Allen was happy he had been in Oakland to watch the Red Sox play and get beaten by the A’s. It was a bit of a bummer when he went out back of the hotel to see a big line of homeless tents.
Lion Elaine was happy that she was in good enough shape to take care of four grandkids.
Lion Pat added a happy buck for Elaine.
Lion Dee was happy his wife is back home after spending a couple days in the ICU and doing well.
Lion Allen fined Lion Dee for moving to the front of the food line. Lion Dee said to give him a break. His back is hurting.
Lion Tom Gaebe fined Lion Bob Line for using an announcement to brag about his grandson’s baseball tournament. He also fined Steve because the tournament that Steve’s grandson played in caused such a traffic jam that it took Tom an extra hour to get to the coast.
Lion Pat fined bullpen president Lion Allen for stealing his own bell.

Lion John auctions off his ale.

Lion Aaron has a good laugh as he gets ready to draw for the marble.
The $5 drawing went to Lion Tony who donated it to the Leo Club.
Lotto ticket: Lion Elaine
The marble drawing went to Lion Aaron who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.
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