President Mark Olson

The first of what has been called our “bullpen” presidents, Lion Mark lead our meeting today. 

Todays Meeting

Lion President Mark Olson led today’s meeting, the first of the new 2023-2024 Lions year. He called on Lion Aaron to lead us in saluting our flag, Lion Pat to lead us in singing My Country Tis of Thee, and Lion Bob Line to do our invocation.

Lion Bob Line won the no-fine badge.

No Badge. Lions Elaine and Bob Line had to pay up because they did not have their badge.

Lion Pat was our secret greeter today, and he was Mr. Big Popular as everyone shook his hand.


Lion president Mark announced that the installation dinner had gone tremendous and fined anyone not in attendance that evening.

Lion Mark also made a note of the September 16th Murder Mystery Dinner and asked everyone to spread the word.

New venue for our Wednesday evening meetings. Thanks to Lion Allen, we will now be meeting at Mountain Mikes Pizza on Monday Blvd. 
After receiving the results from our survey for Wednesday evening meetings, it was determined that the majority of you wanted to continue with an evening meeting once a month and that Wednesday was a good night for most of you.

It did show that you thought the price was a little steep and that we should look for another venue. Lion Allen found a room at Mountain Mikes Piza on Mooney Blvd, and we are now set to meet there on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The price will be $14 for Pizza and salad bar.  (This was the former Ryans Place just north of Sequoia Mall)—address:  3103 S Mooney Blvd. 
July’s evening meeting will be on the 26th at 5:30. 
Birthdays: July birthdays included Lions Karen, Lauri, and Bob Bricker. Only Karen was in attendance today, so we sang happy birthday to her.
Lion Allen announced that Last Friday’s visitation at Breakfast Lions was a success and that two more are coming up. 
Monday, July 17th, 6:00 PM Pride Lions at St. Paul’s Church at Center and Hall St. This is a Pot Luck, so bring something to eat. 
Thursday, July 27th, 6:45 AM  Exeter Lions, meeting at 257 N. E. Street in Exeter. 
Elaine and Steve marble drawing

Our new tail twister, Lion Elaine, has Lion Steve draw for the coveted white marble, which he came up with some other color. 

Lion Allen explains about the new Wednesday evening venue, Mountain Mikes Pizza

Lion Allen explains about the new Wednesday evening venue, Mountain Mikes Pizza

Happy Bucks 

Lion John Parker was happy he was headed on an Alaskan Cruz in a few days.

Lion Pete was happy his mother had celebrated her 92nd birthday a few days ago, and she and her husband would celebrate 70 years of marriage next weekend.

Lion Pat was happy that his granddaughter had said her first word just a few days ago. He did not share what that word was. 

Lion president Mark was happy that his daughter, who recently began managing a historic market, was interviewed on TV about the one-hundred-year-old store.

Lion Karen was happy that all the officers for the new year had made it to her birthday.

Lion Roy was happy that the Installation Dinner was going so well and that Mark had got all the “bullpen” presidents together a few weeks ago to decide who would come in as relief from the bullpen. Who was going to be short relief, long relief, and closer? He was also happy that the 4th was over as he spent it with his dog, who had curled up in the furthest reaches of the closet trying to get away from all the noise.

Lion Elaine was happy she had seen the “Sound of Freedom” recently.



Lion Mark fined himself for calling Lion Allen, Roy on more than one occasion.

Lion Karen also fined herself for having to leave early.


Lion president Mark took the meeting in a different direction today as he drew for the $5 just after announcements, and Lion Keren won the five bucks. She donated it to some group that the person doing the Roar did not note.

Lion Steve was the big winner today, winning the Lotto, the Marble (where he came home empty), and the free add.


Lester Moon from hands in the community





Lester Moon, from Hands in the Community, was our program today, sharing what the organization does to help people in need of assistance in the community. Things like yard clean up, ramps for people using wheelchairs, painting, and building fences. He also talked about the challenges of raising money since COVID.


Lion Steve won the free add. 

new officers for the 2023-24 year

New officers for the 2023-2024 year

installation dinner

Lion John Parker was the master of ceremonies at our annual installation dinner of Thursday June 29th at the Vintae Press. 

Recently our club awarded us two scholarships for the year. Past President Lion tony made the awards of $1000 each. 


Lion Tony awards Araceli Valasco of Golden West here scholarship check. 


Lion Tony awards Laiba Hassan of Redwood her scholarship check.