Our Meeting
Our meeting was opened by the very capable but terrified of losing the “bell”, Past President Allen Venting. There was a mention of Karma visiting Lion Allen for past sins. Lion Ton Link led the pledge of Allegiance, followed by a boisterous song of God Bless America, led by the talented Lion Bob Lion and then the prayer by Lion Brad Board.
Our only guest today was our speaker, Michael Crile, who will be speaking on the IOOF, not Toastmasters, as originally billed.
Our meeting portion officially started at 12:46, when Lion Past President Allen somehow, won the coveted No Fine Badge. There is an investigation ongoing as to how that happened. The August birthdays were announced, and only Lion Betty Odell was sung to today.
The visitation to the Exeter Lions Club went well, and there was a good attendance from the club. Two more visitations are scheduled: Sequoia Lions on August 15th at the Amigos Restaurant (WE Corner of Walnut and Akers) at noon and the Sunset Lions monthly meeting on Sept. 5th at Marie Calendars at 6:00 p.m. Please talk to Lion Allen for more information
Lion Melinda went to the district convention in Fresno and prepared very copious notes, which are attached to the Roar, for your reading pleasure.
Plan on attending the next Board meeting on August 9th at 7:00 a.m. at the Valhalla Restaurant. If you have any board meeting agenda items, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our current President, Allen Ventling.
IPP Tony shared a very nice note (the first one received) from our Student Speaker contest contestant, thanking the club for allowing her to participate in our Student Speaker program.
The Murder Mystery Dinner is coming up very soon, and a reminder to all club members to please bring your gift cards to the club and help us out in any way in procuring gift baskets, gift cards, or other items to be opportunitie drawing giveaways on our event.
The Band Review committee will be having a meeting soon; please contact Lion Tom Gaebe for details. The Roar scribe missed the details of this event. I am confessing so I may be able to get out of a fine due to incompetence on my behalf.
Auction Items
There was one auction item presented, and the intended person, who it was purchased for was not at the club today. Lion Tom Link has just returned from a River Boat cruise on the Columbia River, starting in Portland, OR and ending in Spokane, WA. Lion Tom brought back some very good local fruit spread and the winning bid went to Lion Elaine Dias.
Happy Bucks
Happy Buck
Lion Elaine Dias instituted a new rule that everyone who attends the club MUST be happy to be in attendance, and a Happy Buck is required if you attend.
Lion Pat Harrison was happy that his grandson would be baptized in the Catholic Church on August 26th.
Lion Tom Gaebe was happy that his L.A. Dodgers were still in first place.
Lion Dee Baughman was elated that the S.F. Giants are only 2 ½ games behind the L.A. Dodgers.
Lion Bob Line, who hasn’t played golf for some time, enjoyed a round of 9 holes with 3 pars this morning. We are unsure how many golf balls he lost on the course, but he was happy with his pars.
Lion Tm Link was happy with his trip and that he had an opportunity to refill his coffers for fines while he is living on his fixed income.
Lion Betty Odell was happy to be at the meeting.
Lion Aaron Odell was happy that we had a guest speaker for today.
Lion Pat Harrison was happy to pay fine to leave early today.
Lion Brad Board was happy that he had a great family trip to Glacier National Park and encouraged everyone to put it on their bucket list.
Lion Allen Ventling was happy that Lion Brad had enjoyed his home state of Montana.
Lion Steve Gerard was happy that his granddaughter has the lead in the play Frozen this weekend in Clovis and the Frozen crew was on Channel 26 news with Kopi.
Lion Dee fined Lion Tony after a very long explanation of how Lion Tony had stolen Lion Dee’s parking place, so Lion Dee, with his very sore back, had to walk to club uphill and through the snow both ways.
Lion Tom Link fined Lion Dee for not knowing the name of the street that he was trying to park on, just outside of our club meeting (FYI, it is Johnson Street).
Lion Allen fined Lion Tom Link for texting Lion Roy Dressel (our absent Roar Editor) during the club meeting; this was allegedly so Lion Roy could stay in the bidding for the beloved auction item. Is texting a fineable event?
This role was filled today by Lion Bob Line, who felt very neglected by his table today, so Lions Dee, Lion Tom Gaebe, Lion Tony, and Lion Pat were all fined, and somehow, Lion Tom Link made the cut. That will be investigated.
The $5.00 dollar drawing was won by Lion Pat. H, and the funds were designated to the Leo Club.
Lion Brad won the Lotto tickets with ZERO results in the win column.
Our Guest speaker today was Michael Crile, representing the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF). He described the club as an organization with a fundamental motto: “Friendship, Love and Truth, harmony among everyone. He provided a good overview of the history of his organization and his desire, as the leader of this group next year, to partner with other service clubs in the community. The organization’s website is www.ioof.org.
This week’s Roar newsletter was written and typset (wow, is that a thing anymore, he typed it all) by Lion Brad.
![fun flick front fun flicks](https://www.visaliahostlions.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/fun-flick-front.jpg)
Lion Elaine won the free add
Lion Melinda attended the recent district meeting and took the following notes.
Updates from District Meeting on 7/22/23
LCI Foundation Fundraising
Year 2 of a 3-year goal with $57,000 raised. Requesting $950 per club for the next two years or
$35 per club member donation. Want to be fully funded when clubs ask for grants?
Bearskin Meadows – PDG Judy Wooley
Cleaned on Memorial Day Weekend. The cafeteria is now closed due to a cracked beam from the heavy snowfall this last winter. PDG Craig Cooper and group are reviewing how to fix.
Fundraiser for BSM on Friday, April 6, 2024 train ride going to Hillcrest Tree Farm. $20 is the train ride and BBQ lunch with game booths. More information coming.
California Lions Foundation – IPDG / Director Falguni Patel
Current holdings of $453K with goal of $SOOK. Grant opportunities are available with a newly adopted, streamlined application. Paradise CA received $90K during their fire catrosophy. “Hunger Grants” will be available this year: food insecurity, poverty, lack of healthy foods. Grant period is 3/1/23 to 10/31/23. Monies raised through the Foundation stay here in California. Can award a Kay Fukushima Fellowship for $1K.
Lions New Year’s Float/ Bus Trip – IPDG Falguni Patel
Saturday, December 9, with SO-passenger bus. The Cutler-Orosi Student Speaker Contest Winner will ride on the float this year. More information is coming.
USA Canada Leo Forum – IPDG Falguni Patel
Aug 2 to 5 in Chicago. Last year we sent 15 Leo Clubs with 330 Leos to the Forum.
Lions USA Canada Forum – PDG David Hamilton September 22 and 23 in Reno this year
Kases for Kids – District Secretary Kaden Ferretti
25th anniversary. Has a donated storage space in Reedley now. Looking for school supplies or cash donations for them. Also looking for baby items as many of the “kids” are new mothers.
Officer Training in June was so well attended that they will schedule another in early October and will include Zone and Region Chair positions
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