In Memory of Lion Don Landers 

All, as you know, we lost Lion Don Landers this week.   Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.  At our meeting in addition to all of our other business, we began with a tribute to Lion Don.   
Lion Don Landers joined Visalia Host Lions on September 8, 1990 and was club president in 1995-96.   We will have a short memory on our Facebook page thanks to Lion Laurie.   Don was very active in the community and served on Visalia City Council for fourteen years. 
We will miss him.


We had a wonderful Visalia Host Lions’ program this last Friday, October 16, 2020.   Our program guests were Albert Cendajas and Rachel Gomez from CSET.  They described CSET’s Senior and Homeless Services.  Last year our club donated to this program and they were able to wrap their vans and we have our club logo on their Vans.

Happy Bucks and Fines
Everyone who attended was happy to have known Don Landers and all donated $5 in his memory.  
Brent, Roy, and Craig were all fined, all self inflicted for various reasons.


Next In-Person Lions Meeting

Friday, November 13, Noon
Lions Park
Lunch will be by advanced RSVP by November 10 and will cost $13
Contact by phone or email Lion Steve with your RSVP and lunch choice:
Roast Beef
Don’t forget to join us each Friday for our weekly meeting Lions Zoom at Noon!  
Next week’s program:
Tamara Ravalin
VUSD Superintendent