President Aaron has a good laugh as he leads our meeting. 

Lion Brad winds the marble drawing and wins the money. 

Lion Karen, standing in as our Liontamer today has Lion John draw the marble ticket as Lion Janet looks on. 

Lion President Aaron lead our meeting today and called on Lion Janet to lead us in saying the pledge of allegiance, and Lion Craig to lead us in singing My Country Tis of Thee and Lion Tony to give the invocation

Guests today were our program, Tulare county district attorney Tim Ward, his assistant and Lion Pete’s son in law, Stewart, and assistant Olivia

Auction items

Lion Craig gave $5.00 because he did not bring back anything from his rafting trip on the Colorado River to auction off.

Happy Bucks

Lion Pete was happy that the family had a good trip to Oregon, he brought back lots of memories but no auction items do he gave $20, plus he was happy to have Tim and Stewart here today.

Lion Karen was $5 happy because the day before she got a phone call letting her know she will be expecting her first granddaughter.

Lion Brad had a happy $10 because he was able to be back on a regular basis for our meetings now that he has a full office staff. Plus was happy about a trip last week to see family.

Lion Craig was happy because of a great rafting trip, happy that he made it out, that he now has a regular shower and a toilet, and happy that he is recovering from a mountain bike crash.

Lion Karen also had a happy buck for our guest/program today.


Lions Brad and Bob Bricker were fined for being late.

Lion Karen fined Lion John Parker for leaving his phone on her table.

Lion Craig fined himself for having to leave early.

Lion Betty fined Roar editor Lion Roy for spelling Visalia Mayor Steve Nelsen’s name wrong in the Roar from two weeks ago.


Lion Allen won the $5 drawing and donated it to the Lions Eye Foundation

Lotto: Pat

Our program: Tulare county district Attorney Tom Ward gave us the low down on the Golden State Killer. He began his spree here in Visalia and became known as the Visalia Ransacker. The death of COS professor Claude Snelling, who was the first person DeAngelo killed, was solved by the use of family DNA.

Tulare County DA Tim Ward talks to us today about the golden state killer case. 

Lion Brad wants you to think about insurance and the fact that he is a good neighbor.