We had a great group join us for last week’s Visalia Host Lions meeting. It is hard not to have a regular in person meeting but it is heart warming to see those who can make it on Zoom.
Deborah Volosin gave a very timely and informative overview of COVID in our community in her review of how Kaweah Delta is currently impacted. The good news is they are really good at accommodating and flexing as the COVID patients increase.
The next meeting of our Club’s Executive Board will be Tuesday, December 8, 5:30 on Zoom.
Due to the new restrictions on outdoor dining, the in-person meeting originally scheduled for Friday, December 11 will be held on Zoom. This week we have Mary Jane Jennings from Visalia Emergency Aid Council joining us for our Zoom meeting. We had planned to have each of you to bring a toy to donate. If you have already purchased a toy, you can drop it off or call VEAC at 732-0101 and they will make sure it gets to a deserving child during this difficult holiday. We are also asking for an additional pledge to add to the donation that we will make to VEAC. Just let Steve Garrard know the pledge amount and he will put it on your “tab”
Happy Bucks
Lion Roy Dressel’s son had COVID but wasn’t hospitalized and is on the mend.
Lion Allen Ventling’s son Travis had a mild case of COVID, His other son just got his BA!
Lion Leigh Mosconi donated a Remembrance Happy Buck for Rafer Johnson, Great Olympian from Kingsburg, and founder of California Special Olympics.
Lion Steve Gerrard had a great Thanksgiving.
President Craig donated a Happy Buck just for being there.
President Craig and Lion Steve were fined for gathering with family at Thanksgiving
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