Our meeting began with first vis president Lion Ruth, who was standing in for Lion President Karen today as she was celebrating her and Lion Rick’s anniversary in Mexico. Lion Ruth called on Lion Bob Line to lead us in singing My country
Lion Bob Line won the no fine badge.
Lion Lauri announced that the Murder Mystery Dinner plans were progressing. We have got our first sponsor, Kaweah Delta has agreed to be a $500 sponsor again this year. We still need many table decorators and more sponsors. Plus wine and gift baskets.
It was also announced that the super bowl party for the homeless is Sunday, February 4th at the Visalia Rescue Mission. We need help with that party so if you are interested, please sing
Lion Allen announced that Young Life, who we give a donation to every year is having there Banquet on Feb 21, the club is sponsoring a table so if anyone wants to go let him know. It will be at the Visalia United Methodist Church.
Auction items
Lion Steve auctioned off some chocolate that a member of his morning coffee group had donated to the club. and Lion Ruth purchased for a big $20. Lion Dee auctions off Fresno State basketball box seats that Lions Pete purchased for an even more whopping $60. Pete said it came at the perfect time as he and his wife Claudia were just talking about taking their kids to a basketball game.
Lion Kent Wooley
Happy Bucks
Lions Ruth was happy because…..it’s Friday, and she was off work until Tuesday.
Lion Carol was happy that she was headed to their home in Moro Bay for the three day weekend, and for the fact that Lions Kent and Judy Wooley were in attendance at our meeting today.
Lion Dee was also happy that Lions Kent and Judy were here today, and for the fact that Lion Pete bought his Fresno State Tickets.
Lion Pete was happy to have gotten the tickets to the Fresno State basketball game, but alas, he would not be taking his father in law Lions Bob.
Lion Ed was also happy to see Lions Kent and Judy at
Lions Brett was also happy it was Friday and that his son was playing basketball on Saturday.
Lion Vicki was happy that her Husband was doing great and for Lions Kent and Judy
Lion Kent was grateful everything they have.
Lions Allen was happy for the Patriots
Lion Leigh was happy he had passed his over 70 drivers test.
Lions Dee fined Lions Tom Link because of the way he was dressed he looked like an Orange Sherbet Ice cream.
Lion Bob Line fined Lion Tom Link because his brother had been elected Mayor again.
Lion Brett fined Lion Allen for being a Patriot’s fan.
Lion Ruth fined Lion Allen for a short joke he had said earler in the meeting, smoething about her needing a foot stool to be seen over the podium.
Lion Betty fined Lion Allen for talking with his mouth full.
Lions Dee fined Lion Tom Link for bragging that he had been to a Rotary meeting earlier in the week and didn’t get fined.
Our secret greater today was our tail twister Lion Vicki, Lions Roy, Bob Bricker and Bob Line did not shake her hand. (or so she claimed)
$5 raffle went to Lion Carol who gave it to the Lions eye Foundation.
Free Add went to Lion Dee
Loto tickets went to Lion Kent. No word on his windfall.
Marble drawing went to Lion Vicki, who won zero dollars.
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