President Ruth Mckee opened the meeting with a patriotic song led by Lion Pat Harrison. Dee Baughman performed the invocation and Lion Jeannie Burcham led the flag salute.

Guests included former Host member Jeannie Burcham, visiting Lions Dick and Rebecca Rebecca Piepenberg, and local author Brent Gill.

Ed Jones won the no-fine badge.

Members sang the “Happy Birthday Song” to Lions Pat Harrison and Jeff Meader, who were both born in December.  


President Ruth announced that the Club will be dark on December 27th.

The Club’s Christmas Luncheon will be on December 14th. Spouses are welcome. Attendees are asked to bring a boy’s and girl’s present for distribution by Visalia Emergency Aid. Cash donations will also be appreciated.

Lion Dee Baughman shared that funeral services for Marilyn Bricker, Lion Bob Bricker’s wife of 69 years, will be on Saturday, December 7th.


Traveling Lion Don Landers auctioned off a bottle of maple syrup from Maine.  Lion Pat Harrison bought the syrup for a donation of eight dollars.

Happy Bucks

Lion Jeff Meader’s wife Caity will be appearing on the television show 48 Hours.

Don Landers donated five happy bucks and described his 13,000 mile journey around the U.S.

Guest Lions Dick and Dawn Peipenberg were happy to visit our club.

Lion Carol Jones was happy to have her friend Lion Jeannie back at our meeting.

Janet McClintock’s granddaughter, who attends Redwood High School, was named the Most Valuable Player in her Volleyball League.  She will be attending CSU Monterey Bay next year.

Lion Pat Harrison went to an elite Barber Shop Chorus convention in La Mirada.

Lions Pete Sherwood and Steve Gerrard shared the Xmas Parade went off without a hitch.  Lion Brent Robinson was the Star of the Club’s line-up effort.

President Ruth, who was happy it was Friday, was glad to see Lion Jeannie visiting.  She also commended Lion Steve Gerrard for his efforts organizing the parade.

Lion Vicki Whitehouse’s husband continues to do well.


Lion Vicki Whitehouse fined Lion Ed Jones, whose phone rang during the meeting.

Lion Melinda Blankenship fined Lion Tom Link for arriving late.  President Ruth fined Lion Melinda for referring to her as Madam President.

Secret Greeter Bob Line fined Lion Dee Baughman for not shaking his hand prior to the meeting as required.


Lion Carol Jones won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation. Lion Dee Baughman won the Lotto tickets. Lion Pete Sherwood won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to find the elusive white marble.


Local author Brent Gill described the true story behind his first book “Fire on Black Mountain”.