Club President Karen McVaigh opened the meeting by asking Lion Dee Baughman to lead the Club in song. Lion Bob Line performed the invocation and Lion Leigh Mosconi led the flag salute.

Guests for the meeting included Gil Jaramillo of Tulare County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Ray Macareno of the College of Sequoias Board of Trustees.

Lion Vicki Whitehouse won the “no-fine” badge for the meeting.


Secretary Steve Gerrard read the names of candidates for Club officers for 2019/2020.


President     Ruth McKee

1st VP           Craig Wheaton

2nd VP         Jeff Meader

IPP                Karen McVaigh

Secretary     Steve Gerrard

Treasurer     Karen McVaigh

Directors      Roy Dressel

2 yr. term     Betty Odell

Directors      Lauri Aguilar

1 yr. term     Aaron Odell

Past Pres.     Pat Harrison

1 yr. term     Allen Ventling

Tail Twister      Vicki Whitehouse

Lion Tamer      Tony Loliva

Greeter            Melinda Blankenship

Club Members unanimously approved the slate of officers.

Lion Melinda Blankenship announced the first meeting of the golf tournament committee will be at 5:30PM on June 20th.  Club members will be asked to donate gift certificates or baskets for raffle prizes.

Lion Allen Ventling reminded members that the next vision screening event will be on June 21st in Dinuba.


Travelling Lion Melinda Blankenship auctioned off a Lion refrigerator magnet from Morro bay.  Lion Ed jones purchased the item for a donation of ten dollars.

Happy Bucks

Lion Dee Baughman is the proud grandfather of an 8 year-old hero who recently pulled a toddler from the bottom of a swimming pool.

Lion Pat Harrison showed off the new afghan knitted by Lion Melinda.

Former COS Board Member Bob Line was happy to see Trustee Macarena at our meeting. Trustee Macarena donated a happy buck for his son who recently graduated from High School as Valedictorian.

Once again, Lion Ruth McKee was happy it was Friday.

Lion Brad Board was happy for the recent cooler weather.

Motorcycle rider Lion Ed Jones had a great ride through the Sierras.

Lion Leigh Mosconi spent Memorial Day weekend in the snow at his cabin.

Lion Allen Ventling thanked Lion Tom Gaebe for his work on Lion Allen’s tax return.

Lion Melinda Blankenship was happy to see Ray Macarena, a coworker from Kaweah Delta Hospital, at our Club meeting.  

Lion Vicki Whitehouse invited everyone to the grand opening of her daughter’s Starbucks store.  She also shared that her granddaughter graduated from Clovis North High School.


Lion Brad Board fined himself for forgetting his name badge.



Lion Tom Gaebe won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the La Sierra Leo Club. Lion Leigh Mosconi won the free ad. Lion Bob Line won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to draw the elusive white marble.


College of Sequoias Trustee Ray Macarena provided an update on the continued  growth and success of our community college.