Club President Karen McVaigh opened the meeting by asking Lion Dee Baughman to lead the Club in a patriotic song – God Bless America. Lion Brent Robinson led the Pledge of Allegiance and Lion Pete Sherwood led his fellow Lions in prayer.
Lion Carol Jones won the “no-fine” badge for the meeting.
Lions also sang the “Happy Birthday Song” in honor of Steve Gerrard and Damon Yount who were born in March.
Lion Laurie Aguilar provided an update on the upcoming Murder Mystery Dinner. Members are asked to donate three bottles of wine and twenty-five dollars for gift cards.
Lion Pete Sherwood shared that the winner of our Club’s Student Speaker Contest will be competing at the Zone Contest on Wednesday March 6th at the Lamp Lighter Inn.
Happy Bucks
Once again, Lion Ruth Mckee was happy it was Friday. Lion Brent Robinson agreed.
Lion Dee Baughman will be going to Utah for his Grandson’s wedding.
Lion Roy Dressel was happy to have his old friend Michael Alverez at the meeting and that the weather has been good for motorcycle riding. Lion Roy also had the opportunity to photograph Special Olympics athletes.
Special Olympics coordinator Leigh Moscone thanked Lions for supporting his Polar Plunge fundraiser.
Lion Brad Board shared that Visalia residents may finally be glad to have flood insurance.
Lion Craig Wheaton was happy to have a weekend free.
Lion Bob Line shared that his daughter’s surgery is on national TV.
Lion Pete Sherwood received happy bucks to share from former Lion Chris Baldwin, who hopes to return soon.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse donated five happy bucks. Her husband is doing well and she wanted to recognize Lion Laurie Aguilar for her efforts with the mystery dinner.
Lion Tom Link will be at the COS basketball playoffs tonight, courtesy of Lion Bob Line.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse fined Lion Pat Harrison, who shared that he once bought a camera flash unit off our guest speaker, for talking about flashing.
Lion Dee Baughman fined Lion Tom Link for taking up a significant portion of the Tulare County Historical Society newsletter.
Lion Ruth McKee fined Cowboy Bob Line for wearing his Stetson during the meeting.
Lion Craig Wheaton fined Lion Dee Baughman for selling Girl Scout cookies, noting that Lion Dee must be the world’s oldest Girl Scout.
Secret Greeter Pat Harrison fined Lion Ruth McKee for not shaking his hand prior to the meeting as required.
Lion Laurie Aguilar won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Visalia Rescue Mission. She also won the free ad. Lion Allen Ventling won the lottery tickets. Lion Tom Link won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to find the coveted white marble.
Michael Alverez of the Visalia Parks and Recreation Foundation described their efforts to create charity events to support Visalia Parks. This year’s events include the Fromage Frolick, a grilled sandwich contest; the Senior Center Mural Project; and Love Your Parks Day.
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