Club President Karen McVaigh opened the meeting by asking Lion Bob Line to lead the Club in song – America, My Country Tis of Thee. Lion Aaron Odell performed the invocation and Lion Jeff Meader led the flag salute.

Guests for the meeting included Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward and members of his staff.

Lion Craig Wheaton won the “no-fine” badge for the meeting.


Lion Allen Ventling announced that there will be an evening vision screening event in Dinuba on Friday June 21st.

Secretary Steve Gerrard read the names of candidates for Club officers for 2019/2020.

President     Ruth McKee

1st VP           Craig Wheaton

2nd VP         Jeff Meader

IPP                Karen McVaigh


Secretary     Steve Gerrard

Treasurer     Karen McVaigh


Directors      Roy Dressel

2 yr. term     Betty Odell


Directors      Lauri Aguilar

1 yr. term     Aaron Odell


Past Pres.     Pat Harrison

1 yr. term     Allen Ventling


Tail Twister      Vicki Whitehouse

Lion Tamer      Tony Loliva

Greeter            Melinda Blankenship

Happy Bucks

Happy Lion Betty Odell will be on her way to the Coast next weekend.

Jeff Meader was happy to see DA Ward at the meeting

Lion Carol Jones, who stopped by on her way to the Coast, shared that her Granddaughter will be turning six.

Lion John Parker was able to take a rare two-week vacation.

Lion Melinda Blankenship was happy that it was Friday and that she was off work.

Giants fan Craig Wheaton was happy his team won a game.

Lion Steve Gerrard shared that his Granddaughter Mackenzie will be enlisting in the Air Force.

Lion Vicki Whitehouse shared that her husband continues to do well and that the weather has been great.


Lion Melinda Blankenship fined herself for not bringing her commemorative blanket to Club.

Lion Craig Wheaton fined Lion Vicki Whitehouse for not sharing a mishap with her car at another club meeting.


Lion Pat Harrison won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the La Sierra Leo Club. Lion Melinda Blankenship won the free ad. Lion Rick McVaigh won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to draw the elusive white marble.


Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward shared a detailed presentation about how the Golden State Killer was identified using genetic geneology.