President Ruth McKee opened the meeting with a patriotic song led by Lion Dee Baughman. Ed Jones performed the invocation and Lion Jeff Meader led the flag salute.
Guests included Motorcyclists Rebecca Peter, Brian Peter, and Richard Hoffman from the Club of Hearts.
Dee Baughman won the no-fine badge.
Steve Gerrard announced that the Club will be dark after Thanksgiving on Black Friday. Lion Steve also reminded Lions that the Candy Cane Lane Parade will be on December 2nd. Volunteers will meet at Liberty and Main between 5:00 and 5:30 PM.
Lion Dee Baughman shared that the Mighty Oak Chorus will be performing at the Fountain Church on Friday, December 13th.
Happy Bucks
Pat Harrison showed off a new Afghan knitted by Lion Melinda Blankenship.
Lion Dee Baughman was happy to see rain in the forecast. Skier Craig Wheaton is looking forward to the snow in the mountains,
Lion Carol Jones shared the results of her ancestry DNA test. The test confirmed that her ancestors hailed from Portugal, Spain, France and Hanford-Armona.
Lion Brent Robinson is taking next week off work to spend time with his family. It is also his wedding anniversary.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse’s husband continues to do well. She was also happy to see Lion Justin back at Club.
Although she is now retired, President Ruth is still happy its Friday.
Lion Dee Baughman fined President Ruth after seeing a picture of her with famous politicians.
Lion Justin Levy fined himself for having to leave early.
Lion Ed Jones fined Lion Craig Wheaton, whose name is frequently in the local paper.
Dee Baughman won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the La Sierra Leo Club. Lion Tom Link won the Lotto tickets. Lion Karen McVaigh won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to find the elusive white marble.
Rebecca Peter, Brian Peter, and Richard Hoffman of the Club of Hearts described their efforts to discourage bullying in schools. The non-profit motorcycle club works to promote awareness of the problem, and encourages “upstanding” with victims to prevent further bullying.
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