President Ruth McKee opened the meeting with a patriotic song led by Lion Pat Harrison. The Reverend George Fry performed the invocation and Lion Leigh Moscone led the flag salute.
National Park Ranger Jenny Kirk was a guest at the meeting.
Leigh Mosconi won the no-fine badge.
It is Family Services Chrysanthemum time again. Lion Jeff Meader is taking orders.
Lion Dee Baughman shared that the Mighty Oak Chorus will be performing a Christmas Program on December 13th at the Fountain Christian Church.
Lion Leigh Mosconi auctioned off a jar of strawberry habanero preserves from Gopher Glen near Avila Beach. Lion Pat Harrison bought the jar for a donation of 15 dollars.
Lion Craig Wheaton donated five dollars in lieu of an auction item from his recent travels.
Happy Bucks
Lion Tom Link donated a happy bucks to recognize the armed services veterans in our Club.
Lion George Fry’s Granddaughter recently came to see him. He also attended three parties.
Photographer Roy Dressel received a calendar from insurance agent Brad Board recognizing his business.
Lion Brad was recently rear-ended in a hit and run accident, but was happy an off-duty police officer was able to get a partial take on the assailant’s license plates.
Lion Allen Ventling recently attended Lions Vision Screening Certification training.
Lion Dee Baughman has been cleared by his doctor to play golf.
Lion Tom Link was able to return five bags of Halloween candy to Costco.
Lion Leigh Mosconi has a new great granddaughter. He also placed in a Charity Golf Tournament for Special Olympics in Folsom.
Lion Vicki Whitehouse was happy – her husband is doing well, Lion Leigh Mosconi has returned to Club, and her son’s X-fit group raised over $4000 for Special Olympics.
Lion Pat Harrison’s granddaughter celebrated her 6th birthday and opened up her first bank account.
President Ruth, although recently retired, was still happy it was Friday.
Lion Dee Baughman fined Lion “Tardy” Tom Link for breaking a longstanding tradition by showing up at Club on time.
Lion Tom Link fined insurance agent Brad Board for not sending him a calendar. He also fined Lion Dee Baughman who reportedly has been scouring the internet for Veterans Day discounts. Lion Dee responded that Lion Tom would be snagging a free Veterans Day lunch at a Park Visalia Veterans day Event.
Lion Jeff Meader was fined for looking scruffy. Lion Jeff shared that he is raising money for cancer awareness during “No-shave November”.
Lion Craig Wheaton won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds. Betty Odell won the free ad. President Ruth won the Lotto tickets. Lion Tom Link won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to find the elusive white marble.
Sequoia Kings Canyon Ranger Jenny Kirk shared a presentation entitled: “Meet Your National Park”. The presentation focused on the Parks’ human histories, landscapes, water features, and the protection of wildlife.

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