President Aaron Odell opened the meeting by asking Lion Craig Wheaton to lead his fellow Club members in the flag salute. Tom Link led the song and President Aaron performed the invocation.
President Aaron reminded Lions that orders for the charity pie sale are needed by November 2nd. Orders may be submitted to Lauri Aguilar and payments should be submitted to Treasurer Karen McVaigh.
Lion Karen announced that Family Services is selling Mums for Thanksgiving.
Acting Superintendent Doug Cardoza and Information Officer Kim Batty of Visalia Unified School District were guests at the meeting.
Lion Bob Bricker won the no-fine badge.
Auction Items
Lion Betty Odell auctioned off cookies and brownies from her recent trip to Arizona. Lions Vicki Whitehouse and Pat Harrison bought the snacks for donations of ten and six dollars.
Happy Bucks
San Francisco Giants fan Dee Baughman was happy to see his team’s rivals defeated in the MLB playoffs.
Craig Wheaton completed a hike across the Grand Canyon and donated ten happy bucks.
Pat Harrison’s son travelled to Pittsburgh for a wedding.
Golfer Tom Link made four pars during his most recent round of golf. He was also happy to see Superintendent Cardoza at the meeting.
Lion Allen Ventling was happy to see Steve Gerrard back at Club after surgery.
Lion Roy Dressel was thankful for the recent rain.
Vicki Whitehouse’s husband continues to do well. She was also happy to see Superintendent Cardoza at the meeting,
Lion Karen McVaigh fined Vicki for trying to leave in the wrong car.
Lion Allen Ventling fined Dee Baughman for allegedly talking politics prior to the meeting.
Tom Link fined President Aaron after arriving early.
Secret Greeter Allen Ventling fined several members for failing to shake his hand prior to the meeting as required.
Roy Dressel won the five dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the Lions Eye Foundation. Tom Link won the free ad. Roy Dressel won the Lotto tickets.
School Superintendent Doug Cardoza provided an update on Visalia Schools. He was very happy to see children back in the classroom involved and connected with school after a tough year with the pandemic.

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