Vice-President Craig Wheaton opened the September 6th meeting with a patriotic song led by Lion Dee Baughman. Bob Line performed the invocation and Vicki Whitehouse led the flag salute. 

Lester Moon of Hands in the Community was a guest at the meeting.

Club Members sang the Happy Birthday song in honor of those with September Birthdays.


Lion Tom Gaebe reminded Lions that the Annual Band Review and Field Show is coming up on October 12th.

Lion Allen Ventling announced that there will be vision screening at Valley Life Charter School on Demeree and Walnut on September 13th.


Lion Tom Link auctioned off a bag of salt water taffy from Morro Bay. Lion Karen McVaigh bought the taffy for a donation of ten dollars.

Happy Bucks

Lion Dee Baughman reported that his nephew in North Carolina survived hurricane Dorian.

USC fan Tom Gaebe was happy his alma mater had beaten Fresno State.

Lion Melinda Blankenship had a great time with Lions Karen and Janet at the Three Rivers Lions Barbeque.  She also won the Three Rivers Club’s 50/50 raffle.

Lion Bob Line survived an all-night trip to USC for the Fresno State football game  

Mountaineer Pete Sherwood successfully scaled the tallest peak in the contiguous U.S.

Lion Tom Link is celebrating his 55th wedding anniversary.

Lion Allen Ventling thanked CPA Tom Gaebe for his help with his taxes.

Lion Vicki Whitehouses’s husband is doing well.  Her daughter is in Chicago at a gathering of Starbucks store managers.


Lion Vicki Whitehouse fined Lion Bob Line for a joke about her stature.

Lion Melinda Blankenship fined Lion Allen Ventling for failing to show up for the Three Rivers Barbeque.

Secret greeter Allen Ventling fined Lion Bob Line for failing to shake his hand prior to the meeting as required.


Pete Sherwood won the five-dollar raffle and donated the proceeds to the La Sierra Leo Club. Bob Line won the free ad. Lion Karen McVaigh won the Lotto tickets. Lion Dee Baughman won a shot at the marble drawing but failed to find the white marble.


Lester Moon of Hands in the Community described the volunteer service projects his group performs for Seniors and others in the area.