Lion president leads the meeting today.
Judy Casey from the Visalia Gleaning Seniors
Lion president Aaron lead us in saluting the flag. (more about that a little later) He called on Lion Tom to lead us in singing My Country Tis of Thee and called on Dee to do the invocation.
No fine badge: Went to Lion president Aaron.
Lion Betty was our secret greater today and listed off several members’ names who did not shake her hand, thus bringing money into the club.
Lion president Aaron announced that there had been a membership mixer committee meeting this past Wednesday evening at Quail Park Shannon Ranch. Plans were made for a membership mixer at the end of May. The meeting was attended by Lions Aaron, Betty, Lauri (who is the committee chair) Dennis, and Melinda. Any and all members are welcome on the committee, whose goal is to build membership. As you have seen, our club has shrunk in the last few years, and in order to have successful fundraising events and service projects, we need new members.
It was noted that we should get back to wearing vests to club meetings and to events. They are a walking advertisment for Lions.
Check out our web sites new home page where you will find links to Lions merchandise, including vests.
The next membership committee meeting will be Wednesday, March 9th at 5:30, at Quail Park Shannon Ranch.
Board meeting: The board meeting has been moved to Thursday, March 10th, 5:30 at Quail Park Shannon Ranch.
Guests today were Donna Hall and Judy Casey from the Visalia Gleaning Seniors.
Auction Items
Lion Tom had gone to Moro Bay and auctioned off a bag of Salt Water taffy, which was purchased by Lion Karen for $8
Happy Bucks
Lion Dee was happy for the rain we got last week and for the expected rain coming next week.
Lion Roy was happy he was taking a week off and going on a motorcycle camping trip to Death Valley.
Lion Bob Line was happy he was able to attend the Mt. Whitney valley championship game last week where Mt. Whitney became champs.
Lion Tom was happy he went to Moro Bay last week and played golf for three days.
Lion Pete was happy that he didn’t get run over by our guests, Judy and Donna, in the crosswalk outside Left of Center as he was coming to the meeting, he was also happy that he broke 100 in his golf game.
Lion Pat was happy that Lion Pete had a good time at the baby shower in his office. You see, Pat came in the office to get something notarized and ran right into the baby shower.
Lion Allen was happy to see Donna and Judy at the meeting today and also happy that the copier he had sold them years ago was still working.
Lion Betty was also happy to see Donna and Judy at the meeting today.
Lion Vicki was happy her husband is doing fine and glad for our guests.
Lion Dee fined Lion Tom for both cutting in the food line and putting the scoop for one salad dressing back in the bowl for the other dressing.
Lion Pete also fined Lion Tom for saying that Ukraine has a population of only 10 million when it is 44.13 million.
Lion Dee fined himself because he had to leave early
Lion Brad give himself a self-imposed fine because he was late and Lion Aaron had to do the flag salute in his place.
Karen also fined herself for having to leave early.
Lion Roy and Lion Bob Line had to pay a fine because both forgot their badges.
Winners and Losers
$5 went to Lion Roy who donated it to the eye foundation.
Lotto tickets went to Lion Allen.
Lion Bob Line drew for the coveted white marble, but he did not see white when he drew it out of the bucket, thus leaving more $ on the table for another day.
Today’s Program
Judy Casey did the talking for the Visalia Gleaners, telling us about the program, how they take donations for local farmers and give them out to needy people over 45. They have yard sales and are in need of volunteers to do many things, including putting some of their donated items on eBay. They, like every other nonprofit, have costs even though no one is paid. Everyone who works with them is a volunteer.
Free Add
Lion Pete wants all members to be thinking about
new members and to help and attend
the membership mixer coming up.
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