Lion Karen with here Auction idem, a jar of jam.

Lion Aaron, leading the meeting today. Soon, he will be leading all our meetings as he takes the presidency on July 1st.
Our meeting today was conducted by first vice president Lion Aaron, getting in some practice for his presidential term beginning July 1st. He called on Lion Pat to lead us in singing America the Beautiful, Lion Bob Line to do the invocation, and Lion Betty to lead us in the flag salute.
Lion Bob Line won the no fine badge and disputed the delivery charge. After much discussion where Lion Pete, Bob’s son-in-law, made sure that we all knew he was not a “blood” relation, Lion Bob but finally relented and paid the $1.
Auction Items
Lion Karen had a jar of Strawberry-Raspberry Fruit Spread from a trip to Avala a couple of weeks ago and auctioned it off to your Roar Editor Roy for $7. Money well spent I say.
Nope, there were none.
fappy Bucks
Lion Pete, the nonblood relation of Lion Bob Line, had a happy $20 because he had spent a week in Santa Barbara and did not bring back a jar of jam, or any other auction items. as part of the $20 he was happy his 8-year-old grandson was playing on the Visalia Cal Ripken All-Star team and he was just happy to be here today.
Lion Betty was happy here and Lion Aaron had gone to the Lions offer training on Saturday and the dinner on Friday. Both were held here in Visalia at the Lamp Liter Inn.
Lion Karen was $10 happy because she had won $1,100 on her recent trip to Laughlin. When it was noted that $10 was not 10% of her winnings, as is the custom, she noted that she did not walk away from the table when she won that $1,100. Part of that $10 was a fine because she would not be here for the installation dinner, she will be in Hawaii.
Lion Tom Link was happy because he got a birdie on the first hole when playing golf this morning.
Lion Allen was happy that he had won $100 at Tachi Palace. When it did, he cashed out and went home.
Lion Allen fined Lion Roy for a mistake in last week’s Roar where he had said that Lion Bob Bricker had a June birthday and actually it was Lion Dee.
Lion Pat fined Lion Tom Link for showing up to today’s meeting on time, costing the club money.
Secret Greeter
Lion Roy: It pays to be this unpopular as only three people shook my hand or fist-bumped.

Janet draws Tom’s name for the marble drawing.
$5-Lion Roy, who donated it to the Leo Club.
Lotto tickets: Lion Tom Link
Todays Program
Non-today. but don’t forget the installation dinner this coming Thursday at the Vintage press. 5:00 happy hour, 6:00 dinner.

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