Lion Pat with a happy buck.

Lion Vicki with the no fine badge.
Lion president Aaron lead the meeting today and called on Lion Tom to lead us in singing our song, Lion president Aaron did the flag salute himself and he called on Lion Tony to do the invocation.
No fine badge: I Went to Lion Vicki.
Your Roar editor Lion Roy was the secret greater today and was able to not shake a few hands.
Friday, March 25th: Next week’s meeting will be the first of our monthly evening meetings. (There will be no lunch meeting that day.) Our meeting will be at Quail Park at Shannon Ranch, 3440 W Flagstaff Ave just off Demaree, and will begin at 5:30. Dinner will be $15 and this will be just like our regular meetings, with a speaker, happy bucks, and fines. Bring a guest. Please RSVP to Lion Aaron at: aodell1031@hotmail.com or 408-568-2533.
Allen announced that the first vision screening in a few years will take place this coming Wednesday at 8 AM at Valley Life Charter School, 3737 S. Akers. Allen and Roy will be there but we could use an additional person. Give Roy a call or text if you can help. (559-289-2382)
Tuesday, April 5th, 6:30 PM: Sunset Lions Club, meet at The Lamp Liter Inn, Visalia.
Wednesday, April 20th: 12:00 Noon: Sequoia Lions Club. Meeting at Noon at the Lamp Liter Inn.
Ed Needham of the Tulare county Sheriffs Association was our guest, and speaker today.
Happy Bucks
Lion Pat was happy he had a gas insert put into his fireplaces so he is no longer burning wood.
Lion Bob Line was happy that his great-grandson pitched a winning game for his Little league team. He will remind Lion Pete, (who is his grandfather) to give a happy buck for it next week when Pete returns.
Lion Roy was happy that Saturday will be his 11th wedding Anniversary.
Lion Steve was happy he got to spend 4 days in Long Beach because his house was being tented for termites. Lion Pat replied that he must have spent all four days inside because he came back with no tan.
Lion Vicki was happy because her husband was still doing well and that she and Allen have the same middle name.
Lion Tom was fined because his phone rang during the meeting.
Lion Roy fined the unknown truck driver that was responsible for the rock that hit the windshield of his truck.
Winners and Losers
$5 went to Lion Tom who donated it to the Lions Eye Foundation.
Lotto tickets went to Lion Bob Line.
Lion Tony drew for the coveted white marble (again) but came up with a yellow one that did not net him anything.
Today’s Program
Ed Needham with the Tulare County sheriffs association gave us a talk today about what the association is, what it does, and how it’s getting back into gear after two years of COVID. He also has been in the Citrus business for many years and gave us some information on that business.
Ed Needham with the Tulare County Sheriffs Association with Lion President Aaron.

Lion Tony won the Free Add for the second week in a row, this week and I am so thankful that he decided to go with the Rockies.

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