President-elect Lion Aaron leads the meeting today in President Craig’s absence.

Lion Brad was $20 happy to be at club today.
Standing in for president Craig today was president-elect Lion Arron who called on Lion Dee to sing God Bless America, Lion Bob Line to do the invocation, and future first lady Lion Betty to lead us in saluting the flag.
Lion Vicki won the No Fine Badge.
Guests today were our program, District 4-A2 governor, Lion David Beeman, and his wife, past district governor Vicki Beeman.
Lion Steve did the second reading of next year’s slate of officers. The list appears at the end of this newsletter. A not here, we are still looking to fill a Past President position on the board.
District Governor Lion David announced that the state student speaker contest winner was from our district (4-A2). Alexandre Widman, a senior from Orosi high school was awarded $21,000 in scholarship money.
Also, the district convention this year was held virtually but this coming Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th, there will be an in-person day here in Visalia, at the Lamp liter Inn. Friday is a food and fun night, with food booths starting to serve at 5:00 followed by music and dancing until the DJ wears out.
Saturday will be officer training starting at 10 AM and all finished by 3:00 PM. contact David at (559) 584-7510 if you plan on attending Saturday as they need a headcount for the free lunch.
Mark your calendars for our Installation dinner, Thursday, June 17th at the Vintage Press. If you have not done so already, contact Vicki at 559-799-5828 and let her know how many will be there.
Happy Bucks
Lion Tom Gabie was happy that he had finished the Clubs taxes.
Lion Brad Board was $20 happy to be at the meeting today, as he had not been in attendance for a few weeks.
Lion Allen was happy that people care about him, especially the lady from Inda who keeps calling him about his auto warranty. He was also happy that he got three checks in the mail from State Farm insurance for his COVID rebate.
Lion Dee was happy for memorial day and wanted to remember all those who had given all for their country.
Lion Tom Link was happy they had power in their neighborhood. Apparently, a utility pole had gone down and Edison had brought in a generator to supply power to his neighborhood.
Lion Roy was also happy because the Darling Hotel was ranked one of the top 25 new hotels in the world on Trip Advisor.
Lion Aaron was happy we are all here today, and he also got an insurance refund.
Lion Vicki was happy because her husband is doing well and playing golf today.
Lion Vicki fined Lion Betty for having a big photo in the newspaper covering her appearance at the city council meeting regarding the smoke shop near Huston School.
Lion Roy fined Lion Brad for not paying attention when he was driving to the meeting today. He did not see Roy walking along Center street.
Lion Vicki fined bot Lion Tom Link and Lion Bob Line for taking while Lion Aaron was trying to conduct the meeting.
Lion Karen fined herself for going to the coast this past week, buying an item to auction here at the club then forgetting to bring it today. Next week she says.
Lion Allen fined Lion Steve for spending about twenty minutes trying to figure out how to work Zoom at the last board meeting.
Lion Roy fined himself for forgetting about the Board meeting.
Lion Karen fined Lion Aaron for messing up Govoner David Beeman’s name.
Lion Tom Link fined Lion Karen for making Lion Rick stay home and babysit while she comes to meetings.
lion Vicki fined both Lion Bob Line and Lion Pat Harrison for making short jokes. She also Fined Lion Bob Line for pretending he was Janet by taking an extra name tag she had and putting it on to avoid being fined for no name tag.
Winners and Losers
Lion Karen won the $5 drawing and donated it to the Leo club.
Lion Roy won the Lotto drawing and let it be said that I owe nothing to the club next week, 10% of nothing is still nothing.
Today’s Program
Lion David Beeman gave us some information in his talk about the new Lions app called My Lion, with some valuable information on it and available for both iOS and Android.

District Governor Lion David Beeman was our program today.

Governor David’s wife Vicki accompanied her husband and is herself a PDG.

Lion Bob Bricker won the ability to draw for the white marble but was not lucky enough to get it.
District Governor David Beeman had award pins for several lions for years of service in the club. Lion Dee was the only member present and was awarded a forty yaar pin.

2021-2022 Slate of Officers and Directors

Lion Steve won the Free Add this week and I am so thankful.
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