Lion Pete

Lion Pete give a happy $20 

New Member Lion shows off her badge.

New member Lion Miriam Bermudez with her Lion Pin.

Lion president Aaron led the meeting today and called on Lion Pat to lead us in singing America the Beautiful, Lion Craig to lead us in saluting the flag, and Lion Pete to do the invocation.

No fine badge: Went to Lion Dee.


Next week’s meeting will be our monthly evening meeting, Wednesday the 25th. There will be no meeting next Friday. 

Lion District Governor David Hamilton passed out several membership awards.  Lion Craig his 15 years, and Lion Brad got his 15 year also.  Lion Roy got his 20-year, and Lion Pat got his 30-year.


We had several guests today. District governor David Hamilton was on hand, and Lion Betty Morris from Sunset Lions. Juneann smith from Ms. California along with Keira Bixler, Mss Tulare county outstanding teen, and her mother, Heather.  Also, prospective member Colin Franey was with us today.

Happy Bucks 

Lion Allen was $10 happy that his eldest son had gone back to college and graduated today.

Lion Pat was happy that Sierra Pacific Ortheapotic had said he had arthritis and not something more serious.

Lion Dee was happy to be back at a club meeting.

Lion Pete was $20 happy. One, his guest Colin Franey was with us today, his 9-year-old grandson was on an all-star LL team and was in Fresno this weekend, and he had just closed on a vacation condo on a lake in N. Carolina.

District Governor David Hamilton was happy because there are now two Leo clubs in Visalia.

Lion Bob Line was happy that Carter Glick, a relative of his, was All-West Yosemite leagues athlete of the year, and with Keira here, he noted that his wife was a former Ms. Visalia.

Lion president Aaron was happy for all our guests today.

Lion Betty was happy new Lion Patti Mejia was with us today.

Lion Brad was happy that he would not be with us for the next couple of weeks because he would be on vacation to Iowa and Kentucky.

Lion Tom Link was happy that the Visalia Chamber had voted his brother, Bob, Man of the year.

Lion Vicki was happy her husband was doing fine.

Lion Pat wanted our visitor, Colin Franey, to know that his late mother had kept Franeys in business over the years with her numerous purchases.


Lion Roy was fined for making a slightly (and the emphasis is on slightly) off-color remark. 

Lion Pat fined Lion Betty Moris for making us feel old.

Winners and Losers

$5 went to Lion Vicki, who donated it to the eye foundation.

Lotto tickets went to Lion Pete.

Lion Betty drew for the coveted white marble but came up with a red one that neted her zero. 

Today’s Program

Keira Bixler, Mis Tulare County’s outstanding teen, was our guest speaker. She went over all the things she is involved in, including writing a children’s book and working for literacy in the county. She told us that Tulare County’s illiteracy rate is 41%.  After her talk, we all wondered how she had time to breathe. 




Keira Bixler, Tulare county’s outstanding Teen and our program today. 

Keira Bixler
red sox

Lion Allen won the Free Add this week. 

Lion Craig receive 15 year chevron

Lion Craig receives his 15 year Chevron Award from district governor David Hamilton

Lion Brad receives his 15 year chevron

Lion Brad receives his 15 year Chevron Award from district governor David Hamilton

Lion Ray receives 20 year chevron

Lion Roy receives his 20 year Chevron Award from district governor David Hamilton

Lion Pat receives his 30 year chevron

Lion Pat receives his 30 year Chevron Award from district governor David Hamilton